I'm Sharon Apple, famous and . I've had a bunch of but instead of increasing tips it just made code review contentious, because I'm not really a virtual idol, I just work in the industry with . I pledge to have some here, but not 100% authenticity, because that's boring and dangerous.

#introduction #singer #virtualIdol #plasticsurgery #tech #broculture #authenticity

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm Sharon, worldwide sensation and virtual idol. I've had several jobs but instead of increasing tips it has just made getting through slower, because I'm not really a , I just work in with all the bros. I pledge to have some authenticity here, but not 100%, because that's both boring and also dangerous for .

#introduction #singing #boob #codeReviews #virtualIdol #tech #black #trans #theydies

Last updated 2 years ago