De repente, lo veo todo rojo…
Dear diary,
I love failed consoles such #VirtualBoy and #PhilipsCDI. What's wrong with me?
The Copetti Site: Architectures of Recent Game Consoles
From the site, a diagram of the architecture of the Wii U's Game Pad
A good old-fashioned website! It's hope to
#niche #architecture #copetti #dreamcast #ds #gameboy #gamecube #gba #genesis #hardware #megadrive #microsoft #n64 #nes #niche #nintendo #pcengine #playstation #ps2 #ps3 #saturn #sega #sms #snes #sony #tg16 #virtualboy #wii #wiiu #xbox #xbox360
#niche #architecture #copetti #dreamcast #ds #gameboy #gamecube #gba #genesis #hardware #megadrive #microsoft #n64 #nes #nintendo #pcengine #playstation #ps2 #ps3 #saturn #sega #sms #snes #sony #tg16 #virtualboy #wii #wiiu #xbox #xbox360
New Poster!
This is the cover artwork for my upcoming Virtual Boy music release.
Do you own a Virtual Boy?
(30x30cm = 12x12inch)
#nintendo #virtualboy #indiedev #homebrew #vbeat #chiptune #chipmusic #digitalart
#nintendo #virtualboy #indiedev #homebrew #vbeat #chiptune #chipmusic #digitalart
Can we take a moment to appreciate that even though the Virtual Boy is objectively a failure (still want one though), the homebrew community is so alive and well you can purchase "indie" Virtual Boy cartridges to play on real hardware 28 years after release? :think_mind_blown:
I can't think of many other consoles that can claim that! 🤣
#VirtualBoy #RetroGaming
First game you ever played
Favorite game you played this year
Game you're looking forward to
Your favorite game of all time
#nintendo #nes #factorio #indiegames #finalfantasyviirebirth #virtualboy
I feel like one of the reasons that people tend to shit on the #nintendo #virtualboy has to do with VB emulation.
No offense to VB emulators, they do their job great- but when I play Mario’s Tennis on an emulator, it looks like a game boy game that’s been rendered with a red filter and that’s incredibly unimpressive.
When you play Mario’s Tennis on actual hardware, though, it really changes things. You get the intended stereoscopic 3D effect of the game and it looks great. And the gameplay itself improves significantly because you’re meant to aim your shots using the 3D depth- and it works!
While I won’t say that the VB’s library is insanely impressive, I do think that a lot of folks who think it’s a shitty console are also folks who are going off of footage (tbh I’d imagine emulating in VR might produce a similar experience to real hardware but I haven’t tried it). I wish that Nintendo had ported the VB library to the 3DS because I think it would’ve been a really great fit there and would have made it a lot more accessible.
Los más viejos del lugar (de los que estamos por las redes, claro), todavía recordamos las gafas de R.V. que sacaron en los años 80/90, y el fracaso que fueron. Y siguen y siguen. No aprenden. 😅
#VirtualBoy #VisionPro #realidadvirtual #VR #virtualreality #videojuegos #retro #nintendo #apple
#virtualboy #visionpro #realidadvirtual #vr #virtualreality #videojuegos #retro #nintendo #apple
The biggest improvement in the Apple Vision Pro over my previous 3D headset is that it has support for the colors Blue and Green.
The score! Most are for fixing and reselling, will keep the #3do FZ-1 :3do_fz1:, always liked this design the best. Will be selling off the boxed FZ-10 :3do_fz10: and boxed Goldstar :3do_goldstar: once the FZ-1 works and is fully modded. Undecided on the NEC #laseractive, I have a Pioneer and this one is pretty beat up. Definately keeping the #pcengine pachinko controller.
#3do #laseractive #pcengine #twinfamicom #virtualboy #superfamicom #famicom
I read a Nintendo Life survey of the best Nintendo controllers. I noted while reading that I had owned and used every controller except one. Somewhat improbably, the "one" is the Wii U Pro Controller, but not the Virtual Boy or NES (101) controllers. Go figure. Having determined that I have the relevant experience to weigh in, I offered my own Nintendo controller takes, but separated into categories... best non-joystick controller (SNES); best joystick controller (GCN/Switch Pro), and best joystick (N64).
#nintendo #videogames #controller #snes #switch #gamecube #nes #virtualboy #wiiu
#wiiu #virtualboy #nes #gamecube #switch #snes #controller #videogames #nintendo
Thanks to @mos_8502 for the virtual boy! But more importantly, thanks for throwing in some snacks. That's what I call customer service!
Next up, decide if I want to repair it or consolize it...
#nintendopower #nintendo #vr #virtualboy
Since I already have the kickass eInk Virtual Boy flash cart, this weekend I bought a softcopy of Virtual War Zone from RetroOnyx! It's a remake of the Atari arcade hit Battlezone which is a perfect fit for the platform!
I'm so happy to support new game development on retro platforms!
#retrogaming #virtualboy #nintendo
#retrogaming #virtualboy #nintendo
My 8 year old son, a few minutes after this picture:
"My neck hurts...."
#VirtualBoy #mgc2023
Un libro japonés muestra a un #VirtualBoy con un aterrador diseño y como si esta consola de #Nintendo emergiera del mismo infierno :P.
I’ve been seeing a lot of #ShareYourGames toots, thought I’d contribute my own:
#nes: Battletoads
#gameboy: Final Fantasy Legend II
#snes: Too many contenders, but I’m probably going to go with Legend of the Mystical Ninja
#gba: Final Fantasy V (I know, it’s a Super Famicom game, but I spent a ton of time with the GBA port)
#virtualboy: Teleroboxer
#n64: Mario 64
#genesis: Gunstar Heroes
#segacd: Dark Wizard
#psx: Symphony of the Night
#ps2: Disgaea
#switch: Hades
#pc: Civilization VI
#pc #switch #ps2 #psx #segacd #genesis #n64 #virtualboy #gba #snes #gameboy #nes #shareyourgames
My favorite game on each console I’ve spent significant time with. #ShareYourGames
#vcs Pitfall
#atari7800 Alien Brigade
#AtariJaguar Tempest2k
#AtariLynx Shanghai
#nes Metroid
#snes Yoshis Island
#n64 Ocarina of Time
#gc Metroid Prime
#wii Okami
#switch Breath of the Wild
#gb Metroid 2
#gbc Oracle of Seasons
#gba Metroid Zero Mission
#nds Phantasy Star 0
#VirtualBoy Wario Land
#Vectrex MineStorm
#ms Phantasy Star
#genesis Phantasy Star IV
#dc Phantasy Star Online
#gg Sonic Chaos
#shareyourgames #vcs #atari7800 #atarijaguar #atarilynx #nes #snes #n64 #gc #wii #switch #gb #gbc #gba #nds #virtualboy #vectrex #ms #genesis #dc #gg
Latest 3D retro obscurity 👾