Current state: trying to come up with a syntax & strategy for serial comms daisychained over single (split) UART. Master Tx > Rcvr1 Rx > Rcvr1 Tx > Rcvr2 Rx > Rcvr2 Tx > Master Rx. To allow for a dynamically expandable surface that detects all options on the receivers over UART, with only master talking USB-MIDI to host PC… #vcvrack #midicontroller #virtualcablecontroller
#vcvrack #midicontroller #virtualcablecontroller
Well THAT was easy. Can now safely detect shorted pairs of pins on an RP2040, including stacked pairs (one output to multiple destinations) with no additional hardware required. Now to convert that into MIDI gates and add (buy) some 3.5mm sockets!
#vcvrack #eurorack #virtualcablecontroller #RP2040Pico #RaspberryPiPico
#vcvrack #eurorack #virtualcablecontroller #RP2040Pico #RaspberryPiPico
I’ll start out with a #raspberrypi #pico as I’ve got 5 of ‘em rattling around in my toolbox already doing nothing… 1x Pico should handle 24 sockets (24x GPIO set to Input, with pull-ups)
#raspberrypi #pico #vcvrack #eurorack #virtualcablecontroller
Cor… 55x mono sockets for less than £10!! Add in the Teensy & that’s a 55 way patch surface for sub £40.
#vcvrack #eurorack #virtualcablecontroller #teensy #arduino
…and I reckon, with 55x available input pins, a Teensy4.1 will do the trick _perfectly_ with LOTS of room for expansion…!
#vcvrack #eurorack #virtualcablecontroller #teensy #arduino