Buddy Tickets are available at a 10% discount, but you MUST buy exactly two. The system will not allow you to select any other quantity.
You can buy Buddy Tickets in conjunction with standard Event Tickets, and you can buy multiple pairs of Buddy Tickets using multiple transactions.
#virtualdndweekend #DnD #ttrpgs
Special Bring-A-Buddy Deal for the December #VirtualDnDWeekend (December 16-18) for #baldmangames if you're looking for some holiday fun and games!
Based on feedback from last month, a lot of you missed hearing about buddy tickets, so with tickets about to go on sale for December VDDW, it's time to tell everyone about them!
This month we're offering Buddy Tickets on our Radiant Citadel games, and on our Holiday Multi-Table Special: Legend of the Jingledagger
BUY NOW: http://baldman.link/December-Tix
#virtualdndweekend #BaldmanGames
Looking for something to do this weekend? Nov 18 to 20 is #VirtualDnDWeekend and tickets are still available!
Grab them now at http://baldman.link/november-tix
#virtualdndweekend #BaldmanGames #DnD #dnd5e #ttrpgs