#Transform #PatientCare with #VirtualVisits
From virtual visits to AI-infused virtual agents, Microsoft's latest healthcare solutions are designed to streamline patient care and increase engagement. Virtual Appointments in Microsoft Teams provides an out-of-the-bo [...]
https://bit.ly/41gTMyS #team #Microsoft #healthcare #app #device
Source: Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft 365 Blog
#transform #patientcare #virtualvisits #team #microsoft #healthcare #app #device
"Tell the Easter Bunny that the flamingos are on their way..." *blink* "Oh, Hello there!" (Jolly Laugh) "Sorry! You caught me in a meeting!"
#VirtualVisits #JingleClaus #SantaTrue #ActionSanta #FunWithZoom #BunnyEars
#virtualvisits #jingleclaus #santatrue #actionsanta #funwithzoom #bunnyears