In the future, patients won’t go to the hospital—it will come to them
Virtual wards provide people with remote care and monitoring, allowing patients to go home sooner and hospitals to run more efficiently.
#techforgood #futurehealthcare #virtualwards #hospitalathome
Government to unveil ‘virtual’ hospital wards NHS plan
#virtualhospitalplan #virtualwardsplan #virtualwards #virtualhospitals #NHS
#weeknotes (w/c 14th Nov)
Another week dominated by #VirtualWards and I am looking forward to a new team member starting next week to give us some more capacity! Some good data conversations about our service dashboards as well as our SHREWD implementation. Finally my clinical day this week was a great piece of collaboration with the MDT in ICU which, as always, forces reflection on any difficulties I might be having at the time and gives some perspective.