What to panic about
Risks and dangers of both kinds
Chance decides the fate
#ai #virusresearch #chance #haiku #poetry
A quick perusal through this article reveals a few inconsistencies. On p.4, mention of seroprevalence for SARS-2 Ab in white-tailed deer has incorrect references (correct reference not listed!). Author confuses white-tail deer with reindeer. This article needs serious editing!
Article also reminds me why referencing with ref authors’ names/dates in main text is very irritating. #virusresearch
Topic is interesting, but couldn’t make it past p.4. Errors too distracting.
White House will decide
How to handle risky research
Of virus control
#whitehouse #virusresearch #gainoffunction #haiku #poetry
#GainOfFunction #haiku #whitehouse #virusresearch #poetry
Laboratory Diagnosis for Monkeypox: Clinical Practice and Important Points to Be Recognized
#clinicalresearch #diagnostics #virology #virusresearch