📣 Just two months until VIS in Melbourne! 🥳 Early registration ends on Sept 8, 2023. Secure your spot for a special rate! Also, hotel bookings via our system close on Sept 15. Don't miss out! #VIS2023 #Melbourne https://ieeevis.org/year/2023/info/registration/conference-registration
Another year, another weird alt.VIS submission 🤪
Deadline 7/7 11:59pm AOE
CFP: https://altvis.github.io/
Sign up to review on PCS!
Don't miss the third annual alt.VIS workshop at #IEEEVIS this fall in Melbourne 🦘
#hci #datavisualization #datavis #vis2023 #ieeevis
Registration is open for #IEEEVIS!
and the alt.VIS deadline has been extended to July 7!
#datavisualization #dataviz #datavis #altvis #vis2023 #ieeevis
Hey hey #DataVis folks -- the alt.VIS workshop is back! It's probably the weirdest research you'll see at @ieeevis, and you could be part of it this year! Submission deadline is 6/30.
CFP: https://altvis.github.io/
Please also consider volunteering to review, it's a super fun time and very exciting to get a sneak peek at the oddities before October: https://new.precisionconference.com/reviews
#hci #dataviz #vis2023 #ieeevis #datavisualization #datavis