Tied in Knots is a sensitive visualization of sexual harassment in academia, which gives visibility to the issue and voices to the victims.
Strong work by @iosonosempreio@twitter.com Adam Bradley @ChrisNF@twitter.com @uta_ente@twitter.com Zachary Hills @ProfessorIsIn@twitter.com!
Tied in Knots is a sensitive visualization of sexual harassment in academia, which gives visibility to the issue and voices to the victims.
Strong work by @iosonosempreio@twitter.com Adam Bradley @ChrisNF@twitter.com @uta_ente@twitter.com Zachary Hills & @ProfessorIsIn@twitter.com!
RT @tillnm@twitter.com
Tune in to the #ieeevis Arts Program opening reception, today! Find Youtube and Discord links below. For people close to UTC even at a much more appropriate time for an exhibition opening🥳@ieeevis@twitter.com @visapnet@twitter.com #visap https://twitter.com/visapnet/status/1320844728515076096
now @dietoff@twitter.com is talking about the wonderful Art of the March (@artofthemarch) project - an impromptu archive of the Boston Women’s March!
try out the visualization by @chrispiecom@twitter.com of the 6000+ images:
now @HeikeOtten_@twitter.com & @len_hil@twitter.com are presenting http://shifted-maps.com - a hybrid visualization technique for personal movement data that blends network and map representations inspired by situationist psychography
Cycles and (A)Symmetry by @charles_perin@twitter.com is beautiful design-research on personal/temporal data visualization:
Great work, Charles!
#ieeevis @visapnet@twitter.com #visap
RT @HexenKoenig@twitter.com Let’s make visualizations of personal data more personal—a subjective POV @charles_perin@twitter.com #IEEEVIS #ieeevis2018 #visap
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HexenKoenig/status/1055362424373764096
Cycles and (A)Symmetry by @charles_perin@twitter.com is gorgeous and thoughtful visualization design-research on personal/temporal data visualization. nice work, Charles!
#ieeevis #visap
RT @HexenKoenig@twitter.com Let’s make visualizations of personal data more personal—a subjective POV @charles_perin@twitter.com #IEEEVIS #ieeevis2018 #visap
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HexenKoenig/status/1055362424373764096