¡Evita ✋ ser víctima del #fraude #vishing! ❌ No pulses en enlaces o descarges archivos que te envíen durante una llamada 📞.
#fraude #vishing #ciberamenazas
📌Ciberataques de un grupo pro-Putin afectan a la web del Ministerio del Interior y varios periódicos
#Carabanchel #Madrid #ciberataques #Ciberseguridad #vishing #estafas #DatosPersonales
#carabanchel #madrid #ciberataques #ciberseguridad #vishing #estafas #datospersonales
Skärpt straff för grova vishingbedrägerier
Göta Hovrätt har skärpt straffet för en 41-årig man som haft en ledande roll i 18 grova bedrägerier riktade mot äldre personer. Hovrätten har dömt mannen till fängelse i 4 år och 4 månader och har beslutat att han ska vara fortsatt häktad.
#Brott #Norrkping #Bedrgeri #GtaHovrtt #Vishing
#vishing #gtahovrtt #bedrgeri #norrkping #brott
So langsam sind alle Konsonanten belegt, die man vor die Endung „ishing“ hängen könnte 😉:
Voice-Phishing aka #Vishing. https://t.co/BGsOmgwKnS
Voice-Phishing: Betrüger setzen auf raffinierte Vishing-Masche | heise online
https://heise.de/-9212374 #Cybercrime #VoicePhishing #Vishing
#cybercrime #voicephishing #vishing
#Letscall, il nuovo kit altalmente evasivo per il #vishing - The Computer Security News (BLOG)
#cybersecurity #hacking
#Hacking #CyberSecurity #vishing #letscall
#Letscall, il nuovo kit altalmente evasivo per il #vishing - The Computer Security News (BLOG)
#cybersecurity #hacking #phishing https://www.computersecuritynews.it/letscall-il-nuovo-kit-altalmente-evasivo-per-il-vishing/
#Phishing #Hacking #CyberSecurity #vishing #letscall
Alerte sur des #arnaques de plus en plus sophistiquées ciblant la #Suisse - Le Temps https://www.letemps.ch/economie/cyber/alerte-arnaques-plus-plus-sophistiquees-ciblant-suisse
#phishing #vishing #smishing #cybersecurite #suisse #arnaques
Zobacz analizę sposobu działania przestępców w ataku na inwestycje w akcje Baltic Pipe
TL;DR – Nasz Czytelnik prześledził ścieżkę ataku na inwestycje w akcje Baltic Pipe, czyli jednego z lepiej przygotowanych scamów w ostatnim czasie odnoszących się do sytuacji geopolitycznej w naszym kraju. W dzisiejszym świecie, reklamy są podstawowym mechanizmem oferowania produktów i usług w Internecie. Możemy ją znaleźć wszędzie zaczynając od portali...
#Aktualności #WBiegu #Awareness #BalticPipe #Phishing #Scam #Vishing
#aktualnosci #wbiegu #awareness #balticpipe #phishing #scam #vishing
#vishing, jedna z forem phishingu. Možná jste s tím už setkali, jen nevíte, že se to jmenuje právě tak. Nebezpečné pro jednotlivce, ale i pro firmy.
*NEVER* take cold calls from companies claiming to be one you use. ALWAYS call back with the number on the back of the cards you get from them.
In this case: Kudos to my insurance company training their staff properly.
I got a call from someone claiming to be from my insurance company, I told them I don't take cold calls, and they politely told me to call the number on the back of the card.
@brooklynmarie@mastodon.social @brooklynmarie@mastodon.lol Does @TruthOrFiction Cover that? Just curious.
#InfoSec #Vishing
"Vishing attacks have been on the rise as a result, with 69% of companies experiencing them in 2021, up from 54% in 2020. These attacks often take the form of job or tech support scams and can be incredibly convincing. In August 2020, the FBI along with the CISA issued a warning regarding remote users being targeted by attackers spoofing organizations' business numbers and impersonating the IT service desk."
#vishing #cybersecurity #scams
#vishing #scams #cybersecurity
#Vishing : contraction de "voice" et "phishing" ... Bien souvent, les hackers associent vishing + phishing, via l'e-mail. Ces attaques hybrides seraient trois fois plus efficaces.... https://www.beaboss.fr/Thematique/digital-innovation-1074/cybersecurite-2020/Breves/Piratage-Qu-est-ce-que-le-vishing-et-comment-s-379373.htm
When Low-Tech Hacks Cause High-Impact Breaches https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/02/when-low-tech-hacks-cause-high-impact-breaches/ #GoDaddybreachDecember2022 #GoDaddybreachNovember2020 #GoDaddyBreachNovember2021 #GoDaddybreachMarch2020 #Ne'er-Do-WellNews #ALittleSunshine #voicephishing #WebFraud2.0 #escrow.com #vishing
#godaddybreachdecember2022 #godaddybreachnovember2020 #godaddybreachnovember2021 #godaddybreachmarch2020 #ne #ALittleSunshine #voicephishing #WebFraud2 #escrow #vishing
When Low-Tech Hacks Cause High-Impact Breaches - Web hosting giant GoDaddy made headlines this month when it disclosed that a multi... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/02/when-low-tech-hacks-cause-high-impact-breaches/ #godaddybreachdecember2022 #godaddybreachnovember2020 #godaddybreachnovember2021 #godaddybreachmarch2020 #neer-do-wellnews #alittlesunshine #voicephishing #webfraud2.0 #escrow.com #vishing
#vishing #escrow #webfraud2 #voicephishing #alittlesunshine #neer #godaddybreachmarch2020 #godaddybreachnovember2021 #godaddybreachnovember2020 #godaddybreachdecember2022
¿Qué es el #Vishing?
Es un tipo de estafa telefónica en que una persona intenta engañarte fingiendo ser parte una entidad legítima, para obtener información personal o financiera. 🔓
La palabra "vishing" es una combinación de "voice" y "phishing".
¿Cómo puedes evitar caer? 🤔
Spanish police and US SS arrest 9 scammers who collected sensitive information using social engineering, {phishing, smishing, vishing} to defraud victims of > 5M EU
#phishing #smishing #vishing #cybercrime