I used to be on #Verizon (proper). It was beautiful, and expensive. I switched to #Visible, and it was good enough at first. Then it got worse. Then it kinda stopped working until I upgraded. Then I upgraded. And latency was better but the pipe is still brutal enough I can’t stream home security cams.
Now I’m test driving #tmobile. Speeds are wonderful. But it doesn’t work in the #middleOfNowhere, where I live.
Woe is me.
#verizon #visible #tmobile #middleofnowhere #visiblewireless
For reasons uncertain my #VisibleWireless phone plan is dropping the price to $30 per month unlimited everything plus hotspot as long as you don’t use 5G. Which is not available anywhere I am, so I don’t. So yay! They are increasing the price $5 is you need 5G. I currently pay $40, so the new plans are $30 and $45.
Goodbye #visiblewireless #33isthemagicnumber
#visiblewireless #33isthemagicnumber