Cas :trisquel: · @Cas_33
93 followers · 717 posts · Server


Guadalete (España, 711 AD) ⚔

- De la antigua batalla del Guadalete - 12:56
- La duda - 51:50
- En busca del Guadalete - 1:07:07
- ¿Y ahora qué? - 1:53:23
- Bibliografía - 2:26:35

#np #history #podcast #arabs #visigoths

Last updated 1 year ago

ArturoViaggia · @arturoviaggia
29 followers · 581 posts · Server

RT @antmoose
Today's takes us into an imperial mausoleum in , built by Galla Placidia, of the and later empress of , to see a gigantic said to be of , which it isn't.

#sarcophagussaturday #milan #queen #visigoths #rome #sarcophagus #gallaplacidia

Last updated 1 year ago

Daniel Dvorkin · @medigoth
147 followers · 222 posts · Server

A friend asks, "What is Neo-Gothic?"

The were a major geopolitical force from about 200 AD on, ruling much of the territory northeast of the , with a powerful and reasonably centralized government. Indeed, it was one of the few military-political entities in the world which could negotiate with on roughly equal terms. Today we know these people as the "elder Goths."

But around 375 AD, the crashed into the eastern edge of the polity, bringing down their governmental and economic structure and driving uncounted refugees west. The Goths could at that point have been wiped away as so many other peoples had been in the Huns' ruthless march of conquest. Fortunately for them, the Eastern Roman at the time, , gave them permission to settle along the Roman side of the , and they survived as a culture, albeit in a weakened state. Some commentators of the time claimed they were no longer truly Goths at all, but a new and lesser people, the "."

Of course they spent a lot of time being gloomy about this. Still, their fundamental nature was not to accept their fate passively: their cities may have lain in dust, but not for nothing was the refrain of one of their traditional songs, "I want more." So they rose, clad in leather and steel, and headed farther west ... conquering the Western Roman Empire in the process during the 5th Century. We divide them into and , but "neo-Goths" is a good catch-all phrase.

I hope this clears things up.

#gothic #emperor #valens #danube #EMOS #goths #rome #roman #empire #huns #visigoths #Ostrogoths

Last updated 1 year ago

Adachi Kaori · @adachika192
8 followers · 33 posts · Server

"El mito de la arquitectura visigoda" (17 feb 2023)

¿Es posible que muchas iglesias tradicionalmente identificadas con el periodo visigodo sean bastante más tardías, del periodo andalusí? Isaac Moreno Gallo entrevista a Fernando Arce, investigador del CSIC, sobre esta controvertida cuestión

(Video in YouTube)

#alandalus #visigoths

Last updated 1 year ago

Adachi Kaori · @adachika192
6 followers · 26 posts · Server

Dolores Castro, Fernando Ruchesi (eds), "Leadership, Social Cohesion, and Identity in Late Antique and (500-700)", Amsterdam UP, 2023

Table of contents:

Introduction (Dolores Castro and Fernando Ruchesi)

Building Leadership, Forging Cohesion. Bishops and Charity in Late Antiquity (Dolores Castro)

The Logic of Control: Postulating a Visigothic Ontology of Human Being (Michael J. Kelly)

Ritual Communities and Social Cohesion in Merovingian Gaul (Alexander O’Hara)

Constructing New Leaders: Bishops in Visigothic Tarraconensis (fifth to seventh centuries) (Meritxell Pérez Martínez)

Coexisting Leaderships in the Visigothic Cities: A ‘Coopetitive’ Model (Pablo Poveda Arias)

Leadership and Social Cohesion in Merovingian Gaul and Visigothic Spain. The Case of Military Groups (Fernando Ruchesi)

Between Rome and Toulouse. The Catholic Episcopate in the regnum Tolosanum (418-507) (Christian Stadermann) .

#sPAIN #gaul #hispania #Iberia #visigoths

Last updated 2 years ago

Cas :trisquel: · @Cas_33
114 followers · 575 posts · Server

🇪🇸 Me gustaría un libro sobre el de los s. V-VIII, posiblemente omnicomprensivo y actualizado con los últimos descubrimientos/estudios. ¿Hay algún especialista por ahí con una ?

(I'd like a book about the in France-Spain (V-VIII c.), possibly omnicomprehensive & updated with the last discoveries or studies.
Any specialist out there with a ? )

@histodons 👑

#reinovisigodo #sugerencia #visigothickingdom #suggestion #spain #visigoths #espana #visigodos #historia

Last updated 2 years ago

Cas :trisquel: · @Cas_33
115 followers · 566 posts · Server

🇪🇸 Me gustaría un libro sobre el de los s. V-VIII, posiblemente omnicomprensivo y actualizado con los últimos descubrimientos/estudios. ¿Hay algún especialista por ahí con una ?

(I'd like a book about the in France-Spain (V-VIII c.), possibly omnicomprehensive & updated with the last discoveries or studies.
Any specialist out there with a ?
Every european language is fine)

@Histodons 👑

#reinovisigodo #sugerencia #visigothickingdom #suggestion #spain #visigoths #espana #visigodos #historia

Last updated 2 years ago

Cas :trisquel: · @Cas_33
115 followers · 563 posts · Server

🇪🇸 Me gustaría un libro sobre el de los s. V-VIII, posiblemente omnicomprensivo y actualizado con los últimos descubrimientos/estudios. ¿Hay algún especialista por ahí con una ?

(I'd like a book about the in France-Spain (V-VIII c.), possibly omnicomprehensive & updated with the last discoveries or studies.
Any specialist out there with a ?
Every european language is fine)


#reinovisigodo #sugerencia #visigothickingdom #suggestion #histodons #spain #visigoths #espana #visigodos #historia

Last updated 2 years ago

Eggmont 🐘 · @eggmont
61 followers · 232 posts · Server

@Suzyanalyst1 @Nadinabbott @rasmusdotse @Roelds @silke

Like so:

Add to the original disaster Toot a conventional generic tag, plus tags specific to the incident.

Add @GenericAlert@WellModerated



That would allow for rapid propagation by following until the system supports directly following hashtags.

#genericalert #rome410 #cityonfire #visigoths #bringmarshmallows #needbarbariantranslator

Last updated 2 years ago

Aula Regia · @aularegia
8 followers · 20 posts · Server
Arnie Schlissel · @arniepix
39 followers · 103 posts · Server
The Spanish ArPodA · @spanisharpoda
15 followers · 34 posts · Server

Hello Mastodon! We are a history podcast that rates and reviews all of the rulers of Spain, from Leovigild to Felipe VI.

#alandalus #visigoths #spain #spanishhistory #podcasts #histodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Fitheach · @fitheach
2095 followers · 24443 posts · Server

However, even the tunic (toga for posh wear) loving Romans had a trouser influx. Partly from extensions to the empire, and partly due to legions fighting abroad adopting local modes of dress.

It became so bad that joint emperors Honorius & Arcadius, in 397, issued decrees banning trousers. The penalty was perpetual exile.

Not that the trouser ban did the Romans much good, thirteen years later King Alaric of the Visigoths sacked the city. The Visigoths wore trousers.

#rome #visigoths #trousers

Last updated 6 years ago