⚡Announcing the 2019 #ieeevis #VisInPractice speaker lineup.
Oct 21 in Vancouver, Canada.
Details here: https://visinpractice.github.io/program.html
Discussion at #VisInPractice workshop about data vis and data analytics tools.
#ieeevis2018 #ieeevis
#ieeevis #ieeevis2018 #visinpractice
Workshop #VisInPractice at #IEEEVIS2018. Talk by @liascrost@vis.social about (commercial) data visualization tools. #ieeevis
#ieeevis #ieeevis2018 #visinpractice
@mattbrehmer Come for the #visinpractice, stay for the #datastories meetup in the evening of Oct 22! (place tbd)
For those in and around Berlin this October and planning to attend InfoPlusConf and/or IEEE VIS, be sure to check out the 1-day #VisInPractice speaker lineup at VIS on Monday Oct 22: http://visinpractice.org.
The VIS early bird registration deadline is this Friday Sept 7: http://ieeevis.org/year/2018/info/registration/conference-registration
How do you deal with #uncertainty when #visualizing data?
Submit a talk pitch to speak at #VisInPractice 2018 (an event at @ieeevis, Oct 22 in Berlin, one day after @InfoPlusConf).
See our call for participation at http://visinpractice.org. Submit your talk title and abstract by June 30 #cfp
#uncertainty #visualizing #visinpractice #cfp
I am a data visualization researcher at Microsoft. Some of my recent work is in Power BI, a component called Timeline Storyteller.
These days I'm focusing on designing visualization for mobile devices.
I'm also trying to grow connections between the vis academic and practitioner communities, as one of the organizers of the #VisInPractice event at ieeevis.org in Berlin this October.