JyBy · @jyby
5 followers · 40 posts · Server pewtix.com

The world situation is quite despaired, but each one can/must still do what one can to make things less bad/better.

Deciding what the best actions are is difficult when information is confusing.

You never go wrong with teaching other people, but you might want to choose well what to teach them according to the situation!

#activehope #visionarythinking

Last updated 2 years ago

JyBy · @jyby
5 followers · 40 posts · Server pewtix.com

About life definitions and time scales:

Micro organisms have a "life" of their own, at their own time scale, various orders of magnitude shorter than that of plants and animals.

Plants and animals have lives time scales within a few order of magnitudes (days to century)

Could other entities (minerals, stars, planets) be considered to have a "life" within a time scale larger by several orders of magnitude?


Last updated 2 years ago

JyBy · @jyby
5 followers · 40 posts · Server pewtix.com

Are people building "self-sustaining" cities in the desert (e.g. "The Line") as modern arks ready to carry selected few humans (and civilization rules, and supporting eco-systems) into the future while the rest of the human civilization collapses?

(And presenting them "only" as innovative development projects which can be duplicated, which when you think about it, is what you would hope a "seed" to do, to reproduce and create other seed copies of itself in the future.)


Last updated 2 years ago