Let me show you how to use #JobsToBeDone (#JTBD) to facilitate the two-way #negotiations between #leadership and #ProductTeams that allows for managing by #outcomes.
#Agile #BusinessDecisions #ClaytonChristensen #Collaboration #ConsumerBehavior #CreativeProcess #DesignDecisions #DesignStrategy #Facilitation #JoshSeiden #LeanUX #OutcomesOverOutputs #ProblemFraming #ProductDefinition #ProductManagement #PsychologicalSafety #SharedUnderstanding #Visioneering #OKR
#jobstobedone #jtbd #negotiations #leadership #ProductTeams #outcomes #agile #businessdecisions #claytonchristensen #collaboration #consumerbehavior #creativeprocess #designdecisions #DesignStrategy #facilitation #joshseiden #leanux #outcomesoveroutputs #problemframing #productdefinition #productmanagement #PsychologicalSafety #sharedunderstanding #visioneering #okr
Learn why influencing #decisions that shape #strategy begins with facilitating and incorporating #feedback to #designs to drive #ProductVision forward. We will also look at best practices for articulating #DesignDecisions and how to conduct #DesignCritiques.
#BusinessDecisions #Collaboration #CreativeProcess #DecisionMaking #DesignStrategy #Facilitation #LeanUX #ProblemFraming #PsychologicalSafety #StakeholderManagement #Teamwork #TrustBuilding, #UX #Visioneering
#leanux #decisions #strategy #feedback #designs #productvision #designdecisions #designcritiques #businessdecisions #collaboration #creativeprocess #decisionmaking #DesignStrategy #facilitation #problemframing #PsychologicalSafety #stakeholdermanagement #teamwork #trustbuilding #ux #visioneering
In this post, I argue that – while #Designers or #Strategists are not expected to fully manage #DesignProjects in their area of responsibility, some #ProjectManagement #skills will prove invaluable for their effectiveness.
#Agile #BusinessDecisions #DecisionMaking #DesignSkills #DesignStrategy #Facilitation #JTBD #OutcomesoverOutputs #ProductVision #RequirementsPrioritization #SharedUnderstanding #StakeholderManagement #Teamwork #TrustBuilding #Visioneering
#designers #Strategists #designprojects #projectmanagement #skills #agile #businessdecisions #decisionmaking #designskills #DesignStrategy #facilitation #jtbd #outcomesoveroutputs #productvision #requirementsprioritization #sharedunderstanding #stakeholdermanagement #teamwork #trustbuilding #visioneering
An oldie but a goodie ... I've never met a better protocol for bridging the gap between high-altitude #visioneering and on-the-ground action. As a framework for #policy, #strategicplanning, and more, I believe it can give everyone in the #school a good sense of how they can contribute.
#visioneering #policy #strategicplanning #school
In my experience, #teams cannot #innovate – not for the lack of ideas but – because of all the friction or drag created by not having a #sharedvision and understanding of the #problems they are trying to solve.
Let's talk about #strategy and the importance of #vision, especially while creating a #sharedunderstanding of #productvision.
#Agile #DesignStrategy #Facilitation #StakeholderManagement #Storytelling #UserExperience #UserResearch #Visioneering #UX #Workshops
#teams #innovate #sharedvision #problems #strategy #vision #sharedunderstanding #productvision #agile #DesignStrategy #facilitation #stakeholdermanagement #storytelling #userexperience #userresearch #visioneering #ux #workshops