I really want to use #LiveText interactions in my iOS app, but I’m running into a problem because most of the images have vertically written Japanese. I don’t see a way to use #VisionKit with vertical text. I tried writing an algorithm to reorder the horizontally scanned text, but haven’t had much luck. Does anyone know a possible workaround for this? #iosdev
Build a Live Barcode and Text Scanner iOS App with SwiftUI & VisionKit iOS 16 API
#SwiftUI #Camera #iOS #Barcode #QRCode #Swift #Programming #VisionKit #iOS16 #Video #Tutorial
#Tutorial #video #iOS16 #visionkit #programming #swift #qrcode #barcode #iOS #camera #swiftui
Today’s #iOSDev success: verified saving multiple images from #visionkit doc scanner to #coredata is working and syncing via #nspersistentcloudkitcontainer.
Next up: figuring out how to actually display the array of images!
#iosdev #visionkit #coredata #nspersistentcloudkitcontainer
I’m looking forward to maturing the #Siri #Shortcuts integration to more useful and advanced actions for future releases (would love your ideas on this!)
And perhaps the feature I’m most excited to be working on is automated image capture/cropping via #visionkit.