@SteveTux @davidslifka @reiver
this is self-serving and not exactly fediverse related but #VisionsUnite — for democratized mass media, equally as needed as decentralized social media — is still a small bite-size #OpenSource project where we absolutely know how much we need the support of #UX talent!
https://visionsunite.gigalixirapp.com/ is an attempt to be that, be a platform for democratically moderated mass communication. Not based on who is online the most but giving everyone an equal opportunity to shape what becomes common knowledge.
In addition to sharing ideas about #VisionsUnite on the app itself we have an issue queue going
Our biggest need right now is #UX review (what's the word when you do it the first time? 'view'? 😭 )
With #VisionsUnite everyone takes part in the responsibility and power of moderation—of editorial control—and as the audience scales up, the number of people needed to do that work stays under 400 (per probability theory).
In just under an hour, we continue our discussion, tweaking, and testing of the #VisionsUnite platform for equal-access communication at https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/show-and-tell/
@damemagazine @KarlBode we have to make our own media, which of course you are doing. If we are going to get to implement any of the solutions you mention or dozens of others from a decade of National Conferences for Media Reform, we need to build up a network from the grassroots.
One way is for every movement and group trying to get messages out to collaborate— with democratically made editorial decisions, #sortition style.
#VisionsUnite is an attempt to build tooling for this approach.
@darius @ntnsndr @jalcine @emi @LeoSammallahti @schock @mattcropp
And #sortition (representation chosen at random) should be part of the governance; if not for an oversight board or improvements prioritization committee, than in a lightweight #VisionsUnite style to share the work of deciding what messages ought to go to the whole polity, to all the people who are members and deserve equal opportunity to influence decisions.
@Thalslaw i distill my goal to "the most power possible for all people over their own lives" and prioritize ways for us to wield collective power; that is i still think *who* is making the decisions is a bigger problem than *how* but certainly while trying to fix the improve with things like #VisionsUnite i'd like us to try to make progress with the latter.
@roag505 I've blathered on way too long.
Again, hugely interested in what you come up with.
If you want to try 'taking turns', selecting moderators at random from all people willing to play that role (in academic literature, a form of sortition), we are building that for #VisionsUnite and would gladly try to plug into Mastodon.
More on #sortition making it possible for anyone to be a leader, it's practiced in some Adivasi communities in India among other places https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/dech.12651
@mbrewer @ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs ever since i learned about the internet i felt that a crucial way to have mass communication *without owners of some kind dictating the content* was to share the work of deciding what messages go out— calling on people by lottery. So many years later, first trials of this approach to help #VisionsUnite happening at https://visionsunite.gigalixirapp.com/ with issues/development at https://gitlab.com/pwgd/visionsunite/
@zens @wakame since we have brought up all the big stuff, i've always been "if you care about any issue, you care about the media" and #VisionsUnite aims to be a major tweak to that side of the system.
For how to coordinate at the massive scale to be effective at that, for anyone who wants to humor a group building a #VisionsUnite prototype:
Register: https://visionsunite.gigalixirapp.com/users/register
And then join this group: https://visionsunite.gigalixirapp.com/expression/48
The idea is to have a movement where thousands or millions of people can have direct access to one another to suggest tactics; a statistically significant random sample of a couple hundred people will decide if the suggestion goes to all million people.
I wish projects like Couchsurfing, which did in-person verification, or CAcert, which tried to do that for SSL certificates – http://wiki.cacert.org/FAQ/Privileges – were in better shape, because we will need models—if not networks—to build on.
Certainly #VisionsUnite will ultimately need that and plenty of other #cooperative, #democratic, and perhaps even #conversation communities operating online will also need in-person verification that participants are human.
#visionsunite #cooperative #democratic #conversation
And then it links to a group on #VisionsUnite
Unlike a petition site or an organization's action page, everyone who shares the vision shares the power of determining the messages that go out to everyone else sharing the vision.
Tomorrow, Thursday, 3pm Eastern we will meet to discuss ensuring sufficient statistical and democratic rigor for making content moderation decisions for mass media as people called upon to take their turn inevitably miss it. But first we will have to explain what the heck we're building, so it is a great time to join! https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/show-and-tell/
#visionsunite #bethemedia #BeTheAlgorithm
@douginamug @wolcen hi Doug! Would you be able to make a 3pm ET tomorrow Thursday call on #VisionsUnite where we are working on a rather degenerate version of sortition for communication? https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/show-and-tell/
This week more than a few minutes notice, at least to people in African, European, and Asian timezones— Thursday at 3pm ET (08:00 UTC) we will be continuing our #VisionsUnite testing and discussion in the @agaric #ShowAndTell https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/show-and-tell/
@DidiQ 100%. Ideally we have a broad range of mass media that is truthful and not bent toward billionaires, but for now it will take a ton of us working together to get even a few messages a day out to most any definition of everybody. How do we all get to decide which communications "go mass"? People with #VisionsUnite are working on a hack for this— having a large (statistically significant) random sampling of people in the communications network itself take a turn for each message.
The @agaric show & tells continue NOW (Thursdays 3pm ET) focusing on the #sortition inspired approach to democratizing mass media #VisionsUnite
Media-savvy not-for-profit organizations could be key to kicking off the building of the collaborative broadcast communication networks we need for sustained progress.
Sharing the work of moderation equally makes for a news distribution organization we can all build together, knowing we'll have a fair chance to get our own messages carried by it. #VisionsUnite
OK done taking advantage of the lower attention asymmetries on this still-small-scale social network!