cool example of fixing #confounding - antibiotics and stone edition (no, it ain't any fancy regression or propensity score matching) in JASN with a #VisualAbstract from @CorinaT #Epidemiology
#confounding #visualabstract #epidemiology
RT @JHospMedicine
Hospitalists are frustrated 😠 with the lack of improvement in their hospitals--here is how we can change that 😊
#TheEvidenceSpeaks for March is LIVE:
Learn about:
▶ #Mpox vaccine promotion and uptake
▶ Impact of organized activities on child wellness
▶ How patient priorities could help inform disease management decisions
#theevidencespeaks #mpox #research #science #visualabstract #Infographic
RT @NeurocritCareJ
de Oliveira Souza et al. The Role of VASOGRADE as a Simple Grading Scale to Predict Delayed Cerebral Ischemia and Functional Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
#VisualAbstract #NeuroCritCare #aSAH @FerreiraFelipeR
#visualabstract #NeuroCritCare #asah
It's an honor and a privilege to be a part of an organization that centers ideas like gender-equity and then makes concerted efforts to make it happen.
Tip my hat to @SamirShahMD and the rest of the @JHospMedicine team for this accomplishment
RT @JHospMedicine
🤩 Exciting to see validation of the progress 📈 we are making at JHM to promote gender equity in hospital medicine research 🎉
RT @JHospMedicine
🤩 Exciting to see validation of the progress 📈 we are making at JHM to promote gender equity in hospital medicine research 🎉
We will be discussing the RENAL LIFECYCLES and basket trial design in a couple of hours with Ron Gansevoort
Summary by Manasi Bapat @manasib33
#VisualAbstract from
@deniise_am and ISN SoMe Team
#NephJC #NephTrials
Join us on the bird app at 9 AM Eastern, 3 PM Central European, 7:30 PM Indian Standard Time
#visualabstract #NephJC #nephtrials
An excellent #VisualAbstract from Mythri Shankar on the #WorldKidneyDay theme of “Preparing for the Unexpected, Supporting the Vulnerable”
#visualabstract #worldkidneyday
Great #VisualAbstract by @SuchitaSata
RT @JHospMedicine
Ever 🤔 wonder what holds those from URiM backgrounds back from academic promotion 📈 ?
Sometimes it's just the process.
🙌 Formalize review process
🙌 Prepare faculty for promotion
#VisualAbstract by @SuchitaSata
From by Dilushi Wijay - this MEST-C #VisualAbstract is 💥
The rationale and design of the APPLAUSE IgAN trial of #iptacopan - a complement inhibitor - in #IgANephropathy - funded by its maker Novartis
Well timed for #NephMadness #IgANephropathy region! With a great #VisualAbstract from @edgarvlermamd
#iptacopan #iganephropathy #NephMadness #visualabstract
The next edition of #NephTrials on master trial protocols, with a focus on #BasketTrials using the #RENALLIFECYCLES example in #Flozins
With a great #VisualAbstract from Denisse Arellano from the ISN social media team
#nephtrials #baskettrials #renallifecycles #Flozins #visualabstract
Is there a difference in in-hospital death among patients with COVID-19 who received intermediate-dose or full anticoagulation compared with standard prophylaxis?
#VisualAbstract by
9️⃣ ways to counter leadership burnout
#VisualAbstract by
Do you want to create a graphical abstract?
We've written a comprehensive guide so you can design better ones. Learn how to structure and design your abstract so that your main message is obvious, and get people excited about your project. With many examples and tips.
Share it with the world, because we don't want to see any more confusing and ineffective graphical abstracts in the wild.
Co-written by our amazing intern Floor Baas
#graphicalabstract #visualabstract
#graphicalabstract #visualabstract
I-PASS Handoff Program dramatically reduces medical errors across 32 hospitals, leading to improved #patientsafety and #meded.
#VisualAbstract by
#patientsafety #MedEd #visualabstract
Is treating bronchiolitis with high flow nasal cannula potentially hurting hospitals financially?
#VisualAbstract by
Clinical Usefulness of Postoperative Serum #Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Patients with #ColorectalCancer with #LiverMetastases #VisualAbstract
#carcinoembryonic #colorectalcancer #livermetastases #visualabstract
"In light of the essential, but often invisible, role that trust plays in medicine, we are pleased to announce a new Journal of Hospital Medicine series titled “Trust in Healthcare” in partnership with"
#VisualAbstract by
"In light of the essential, but often invisible, role that trust plays in medicine, we are pleased to announce a new Journal of Hospital Medicine series titled “Trust in Healthcare” in partnership with"
#VisualAbstract by