First run with creating the video manually using Premier and a free robot TTS but generated images using #stablediffusion
First page of the book text of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Need to do other books and check them out
#stablediffusion #machinelearning #visualaudiobook #cuda #books
First run with creating the video manually using Premier and a free robot TTS but generated images using #stablediffusion
First page of the book text of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Need to do other books and check them out
#stablediffusion #machinelearning #visualaudiobook #books
Will update code at
#dev #opensource #visualaudiobook #machinelearning #github #books
#dev #opensource #visualaudiobook #machinelearning #GitHub #books
Initial testing with #deepai seems encouraging but I need to research more that I can roll my own.
There are limits to #paid that I might need to go over at some point.
Possibly, after getting this going having it as a learning set for a new #machinelearning model but looking forward to see what more there can be.
Here is paragraph 1, page 1 of Catcher of the Rye for #deepai
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#catcherintherye #books #machinelearning #ml #visualaudiobook
#deepai #paid #machinelearning #catcherintherye #books #ml #visualaudiobook
What is the future of reading physical #books?
Does anyone want to sit down and read or is a audiobook with #ml generated images in a video running in the background the way forward?
My newest #project will explore using some #paid and #diy #api Text-to-Image #machinelearning model to create visual audiobooks from book text.
First came across this with Do Androids Dream of Sleep but I will use Catcher in the Rye. 1 / 2
#opensource #machinelearning #api #books #audiobook #visualaudiobook
#books #ml #project #paid #DIY #API #machinelearning #opensource #Audiobook #visualaudiobook