Ernesto "Che" Guevara wäre heute 95 Jahre alt geworden. Wir erinnern aus diesem Anlass an einen Beitrag aus unserer #Filmkritik-Rubrik:
▶ Lena Karber, Ein menschlicher Held? Che Guevara in Steven Soderberghs Biopic von 2008, #WerkstattGeschichte 80/2019,
#CheGuevara #Kuba #Biopic #StevenSoderbergh #Film #movies #Kino #Cinema #Filmgeschichte #FilmHistory #Cinemastodon #VisualHistory #20thCentury
#FilmStudies #MediaStudies #Mediengeschichte
#Mediengeschichte #mediastudies #filmstudies #20thcentury #visualhistory #cinemastodon #filmhistory #Filmgeschichte #cinema #Kino #Movies #Film #StevenSoderbergh #biopic #Kuba #cheguevara #werkstattgeschichte #Filmkritik
Wann und wo entstanden die #Fotos?
Eine 19-teilige Bilderserie aus dem Bezirk #Halle zeigt verschiedene Straßenzüge mit Pkw und Häusern. Das Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv bittet um Hilfe dabei, Ort und Aufnahmedatum zu ermitteln.
#VisualHistory #DDR #Stasi #MfS #Fotogeschichte #archiv #histodons #Stasiakten
@histodons @historikerinnen
#stasiakten #histodons #archiv #Fotogeschichte #MFs #stasi #ddr #visualhistory #halle #fotos
Flashes of Memory. Fotografie im Holocaust
#Ausstellung der #Holocaust #Gedenkstätte #YadVashem in Kooperation mit der #Kunstbibliothek im #Museum für #Fotografie, #Berlin, 24.3. bis 20.8.2023
@histodons @historikerinnen
#VisualHistory #photograhy #shoah
#shoah #photograhy #visualhistory #Berlin #fotografie #museum #kunstbibliothek #yadvashem #gedenkstatte #holocaust #ausstellung
Historia visual reciente*
#industrialdesign #webdesign #visualhistory #graphicdesign
Luis Valdez talks about Emmon Clarke's photographs at the Bradley Center showing El Teatro Campesino performers in front of Tortillería La Azteca in Delano—the first headquarters of Teatro, located on the corner of Seventh and Ellington in Delano's westside. César Chávez agreed to let the performers have a separate office as they were also active in the farmworker movement. #UFW #VisualHistory #ChicanoHistory #Teatro
#ufw #visualhistory #chicanohistory #teatro
Our newsletter celebrates Black resistance and joy. Resistance to police brutality with images of the aftermath of the killing of Ronald Stokes in 1962. Celebration of the work of two African American journalists, Nikole Hannah Jones and Tara Pixley. Joy of remembering Earth Wind and Fire’s drummer Freddie White. And joy of resistance to develop the graphic novel ‘Ma ngombe: Warriors of San Basilio de Palenque’ #BlackJoy #BlackHistory #VisualHistory
#blackjoy #BlackHistory #visualhistory
Ewa Novaks analogous face mask "Incognito" (2019) makes you unidentifiable for digital facial algorithms used in public surveillance cameras. On display in Wellcome Library's exhibition "In Plain Sight". #WellcomeCollection #SurveillanceStudies #SensoryStudies #VisualHistory #DigitalHistory #CCTV
#wellcomecollection #cctv #sensorystudies #visualhistory #surveillancestudies #digitalhistory
#BlackHistory #VisualHistory #California #LosAngeles
Today, Dec. 29, we celebrate Tom Bradley's birthday. Bradley was mayor of Los Angeles from 1973 to 1993, the longest tenure by any mayor in the city's history. The Tom and Ethel Bradley Center, housed in the University Library, collect, preserve and disseminate the visual history of California, with an emphasis on ethnic minority communities and photographers.
You can donate to the Bradley Center here:
#BlackHistory #visualhistory #california #losangeles
From a #VisualHistory of the #guitar to a #SocialJustice guidebook on #decolonizing #design, 2023 will be a great year for #DesignBooks. Here 7 #design sbooks to look forward to in 2023
#visualhistory #guitar #socialjustice #decolonizing #design #designbooks
#blackmastodon #blackfriday #christmas #losangeles #visualhistory
Angelia Johnson, Los Angeles, 1947. Photo by Charles Williams © Tom and Ethel Bradley Center
#BlackMastodon #blackfriday #christmas #losangeles #visualhistory
Yesterday, Dec. 18, Rev. Chris Hartmire died in hospice at Pilgrim Place in Claremont CA surrounded by family. Wayne Clyde “Chris” Harmire was born on June 5, 1932, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hartmire and the California Migrant Ministry (later renamed the National Farm Workers Ministry) were key allies and supporters of César Chávez, the #NFWA, and the #UFW. #CesarChavez #Farmworkers #visualhistory #ChrisHartmire
You can check our Farmworker Movement collection:
#nfwa #ufw #cesarchavez #farmworkers #visualhistory #chrishartmire
Yesterday, Dec. 18, Rev. Chris Hartmire died in hospice at Pilgrim Place in Claremont CA surrounded by family. Wayne Clyde “Chris” Hartmire was born on June 5, 1932, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hartmire and the California Migrant Ministry (later renamed the National Farm Workers Ministry) were key allies and supporters of César Chávez, the #NFWA, and the #UFW. #CesarChavez #Farmworkers #visualhistory #ChrisHartmire
You can check our Farmworker Movement collection:
#nfwa #ufw #cesarchavez #farmworkers #visualhistory #chrishartmire
#blackjoy #blackmastodon #blackfriday #afrocolombia #RapFolclorico #Palenque #Benkos #visualhistory
Ma Kuagro by Kombilesa Mi with photographs by Richard Cross. This music/archival photos video mixes the music video Ma Kuagro by Kombilesa Mi with photographs by Richard Cross—to celebrate the Afro-Colombian community of Palenque de San Basilio.
#blackjoy #BlackMastodon #blackfriday #afrocolombia #rapfolclorico #palenque #benkos #visualhistory
#blackmastodon #blackjoy #blackmusic #blackhistory #visualhistory
Peppy Prince Band, Los Angeles, 1959. Photo by Charles Williams © Tom and Ethel Bradley Center
#BlackMastodon #blackjoy #blackmusic #BlackHistory #visualhistory
#picketing #UFW #NewYorkTimesStrike
Bill Esher, Donna Haber, Kathy Murguía, and Doug Adair (with a Santa costume) are among the picketers at a Perelli-Minetti grape field, Delano, CA, ca 1966-67.
Today, more than 1,000 NYTimesGuild members walked out of the New York Times until the paper agrees to a complete and fair contract.
#NYTStrike #NYTWalkout
#picketing #ufw #newyorktimesstrike #nytstrike #nytwalkout #visualhistory
My first share on the platform:
Sometimes I browse old Chinese magazines stored on the Internet Archive. I was looking in the Young Companion or Liangyou 良友 from March 1931 and found a photo collage of the ceremony in which the Belgium gave back the concession of Tianjin to China, one of the highlights of sino-Belgian relations.
Link for the magazine:
#History #visualhistory #良友 #histodons #internetArchive #ChineseHistory
#chinesehistory #InternetArchive #histodons #良友 #visualhistory #History
My first share on the platform:
Sometimes I browse old Chinese magazines stored on the Internet Archive. I was looking in the Young Companion or Liangyou 良友 from March 1931 and found a photo collage of the ceremony in which the Belgium gave back the concession of Tianjin to China, one of the highlights of sino-Belgian relations.
Link for the magazine:
#History #visualhistory #良友 #histodons #internetArchive #ChineseHistory
#chinesehistory #InternetArchive #histodons #良友 #visualhistory #History
My first share on the platform:
Sometimes I browse old Chinese magazines stored on the Internet Archive. I was looking in the Young Companion or Liangyou 良友 from March 1931 and found a photo collage of the ceremony in which the Belgium gave back the concession of Tianjin to China, one of the highlights of sino-Belgian relations.
Link for the magazine:
#History #visualhistory #良友 #histodons #internetArchive #ChineseHistory
#chinesehistory #InternetArchive #histodons #良友 #visualhistory #History
This brick is used to prop open the workshop door at the boatyard where my mother lives. Note how the right side has less moss, because that's the part that's usually inside the door. I like to think that the brick itself was salvaged from the victorian pottery factory that was not far away, but I can't know for sure. There are many pottery remnants to find in the river nearby.
#decay #resilience #toolsandequipment #visualhistory #recycled
#recycled #visualhistory #toolsandequipment #resilience #decay #Mosstodon