The problem with phrases like 'So as you can see' and 'If you look here' is that they imply that 100% of your viewers have the power to see. Have you ever thought that a small proportion of your viewers, or any future viewers, might not have that power? Make a habit out of describing your content. This includes adding alt text to images you post on social media sites that allow it, including Mastodon, and giving spoken descriptions of anything that might be in your videos. Your computer's showing an error message? Read it out so people can hear it, don't just make people pause the video to read it themselves; not everyone can do OCR! #ContentCreation #a11y #accessibility #blind #blindness #visualimpairments
#contentcreation #a11y #accessibility #blind #blindness #visualimpairments
I've been listening to a lot of #AudioBooks lately while commuting and got to wondering if #ScientificSocieties or (gasp) commercial publishers offer #JournalArticle #narration services for people with #VisualImpairments
If not, this seems like #SciComm gap worth filling
Do you know of any such services, especially in the biomedical sciences? Do they need volunteers?
A #boost would be greatly appreciated!
#boost #scicomm #visualimpairments #narration #JournalArticle #ScientificSocieties #audiobooks
I just looked at 52 photos on my Pixelfed stream. Only two of them had alt text describing the photo for people with visual impairments.
If you don't use alt text, your photos aren't accessible to everyone. Even just a few seconds work can make a big difference.
#AltText #vision #VisualImpairments #eyesight #ScreenReader #Accessibility #photography #photos #images
#images #Photos #Photography #Accessibility #screenreader #eyesight #visualimpairments #vision #alttext