Great list of 'tables' from @letterformarchive and how they are being used to help teach Type History.
I've always loved the 'tables' idea - we originally came up with it because we wanted a way to give a sense online of the experience of visiting the archive. Those fabulous sessions where the staff would lay out a special table for you, filled with all manner of wondrous artefacts.
#typography #lettering #graphicDesign #designHistory #visualLanguage
#typography #lettering #graphicdesign #designhistory #visuallanguage
some accidental found #visPo
#visualpoetry #visualLanguage
#vispo #VisualPoetry #visuallanguage
@GRC i’m a big fan of Sam Winston’s work - there’s 2 pieces in that post. A book, A Dictionary Story and a print that came with it. There are multiple editions of the book, I have 2 versions - both of which I love - more info
#concretePoetry #vispo #visuallanguage
More pics from the book
#concretepoetry #vispo #visuallanguage
Twenty Six fonts - Four Letter Words from Emigre
#typography #visuallanguage #vispo
Here's some pics from GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE's #Calligrammes.
I think I took these @letterformarchive - their copy.
#visPo #visualLanguage #poetry
#calligrammes #vispo #visuallanguage #poetry
How about a #visPo #visualLanguage #dyad
#vispo #visuallanguage #dyad #dada #branding
Ok so not seeing any takers for ThunFursday, so I'll go back to posting #visualLanguage things.
Way before LondON and COPENhagen et al. The brilliant french graphic designer Robert Massin was doing this in Raymond Queneau's Exercices de style (late '70s). #OuLiPo #ConstrainedWriting #typography #typographicPun
#visuallanguage #oulipo #constrainedwriting #typography #typographicpun
Ah, OK so will be adding #visualLanguage to my set as that's the classifier for a lot on @letterformarchive
I received a collection of beautiful posters from type and graphic designer @eWalthert, including his latest which features Emojese. Such a treat — many thanks! 🙏 #Emoji #VisualLanguage
On my way to Graphic Matters Breda with @Sabinakipara and Benjamin McMillen.
Bringing some freshly printed posters.
The Palace of Typographic Masonry presents:
“Visual language under the microscope”
Thanks to everyone involved! You’ll get some by post soon.
@dnlutz @JanMiksovsky @reichenstein @jenniferdaniel @neilcohn
#GraphicMatters #Emoji #VisualLanguage
#graphicmatters #emoji #visuallanguage
RT @james_y_zou
Excited to share our new #ICLR2023 oral (top 2%) paper!
We study why #VisualLanguage #AI (eg CLIP) acts like bag-of-words + how to fix it.
tldr: contrastive learning issues ➡️ models don't know if "horse is eating grass" or "grass is eating horse" 🤯
RT @james_y_zou
Excited to share our new #ICLR2023 oral (top 2%) paper!
We study why #VisualLanguage #AI (eg CLIP) acts like bag-of-words + how to fix it.
tldr: contrastive learning issues ➡️ models don't know if "horse is eating grass" or "grass is eating horse" 🤯
'I use this #VisualLanguage as practices to understand and possibly #decolonize an interesting tapestry of identity through my lived experience as a #woman , artist, #Filipina , born and raised in the #Philippines , educated in the West, lived in many places, #multicultural , #transnational, and a new mother (an artist-mother, to be exact),” says Navarroza in her #artist statement.'
#AsianMastodon #Filipino #Art #Culture #Asian #decolonization #photography #SelfPortrait
#visuallanguage #decolonize #woman #filipina #philippines #multicultural #transnational #artist #asianmastodon #filipino #art #culture #asian #decolonization #photography #selfportrait
If a #picture is worth a thousand words, why do we neglect #VisualLanguage so much? #Photography #PhotographicEye #Techniques via
#picture #visuallanguage #photography #photographiceye #techniques
#SundayArchaeology: How could one not be impressed by the incredible #VisualLanguage of Pre-Pottery #Neolithic #iconography?
"Give me a strong, dangerous #aurochs, horns full frontal. Make it run!" - "And ow about a slain ox? Obviously: tongue out, legs stretched. Totally dead."
#sundayarchaeology #visuallanguage #neolithic #iconography #Aurochs
As promised, here is another example of what I am calling #visualetymologies - in this case #StanleyKubrick's appropriation of an image created by #DianeArbus - the archetypal ghostly #twins who appear in the hallway in #TheShining (1980). #visuallanguage #film #image #visualanalysis #analysis #imagetheory #culture [Detailed #AltText provided - also - if anyone feels I should have marked these images as sensitive or provided a content warning, please let me know - thanks.]
#visualetymologies #stanleykubrick #dianearbus #twins #theshining #visuallanguage #film #image #visualanalysis #analysis #imagetheory #culture #alttext
Baptised by fire: today I tried to create a character illustration using #midjourney
An hour later - I’m going up the wall looking at four-eyed pups or oddly twisted dog-like-mutants. This AI thing makes me doubt my ability to describe shit. #writerscraft #VisualLanguage
#visuallanguage #writerscraft #midjourney
From cave paintings to virtual reality, Beware of Images, a film by Sergio Toporek. Including some iconic images and clips it takes us on a fascinating history about the use of images from pre-history through art propaganda and advertising. The film can be streamed free from the Beware of Images site or downloaded for a small charge. #VisualLanguage #VisualLiteracy #Images #Art #Communication
#visualliteracy #communication #Art #images #visuallanguage