Robert Logan · @Cognessence
95 followers · 723 posts · Server

I want to offer a word of hope to those with especially noise / dysfunction & .
I never thought it would happen, but I'm enjoying some old activities again. For the first time in years, there has been an ecstatic experience of nature; severe , & pain seemed swallowed up in a larger picture, & my mind could appreciate external beauty. I thought such an experience was lost forever, but the seemingly impossible happened, and soberly. Keep going!

#chronic #illness #sensory #pain #tinnitus #visualsnow

Last updated 1 year ago

Robert Logan · @Cognessence
94 followers · 720 posts · Server

I want to offer a word of hope to those with , especially noise and dyusfunction &
I never thought it could happen, but I'm enjoying things again. For the first time in years, there has been a rapturous experience of nature; severe , & have seemed swallowed up in a larger picture, & my mind can appreciate the external. I though such an experience was lost forever, but the seemingly impossible happened. No drugs involved! Keep on going.

#chronic #illness #sensory #pain #tinnitus #visualsnow

Last updated 1 year ago

lions & tamsyn & bears, oh my! · @thamesynne
410 followers · 25653 posts · Server

it's always made sense to me that Syndrome must be caused, at root, by noise in one's visual circuits, either in the cones and rods or in the processing brain bits. for basically most of my life i thought that it was just something everyone has. at some point i must have realised it wasn't - and now i guess there must be another component to it. is there a bit of the brain that filters out noise in most people, and doesn't for those of us with VSS? and does that translate through to other sensory processing issues too?


Last updated 1 year ago

Ich habe heute zum ersten Mal von gehört und war kurz erschrocken, dass diese Art der Wahrnehmung anscheinend auch nicht normal ist... Aber ich erfahre eh gerade einen Haufen neuer Dinge 🤷

#visualsnow #autismus

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Logan · @Cognessence
19 followers · 29 posts · Server

Anyone on Mastodon deal with mysterious which seemingly randomly moves around various joints? (Along with a sudden onset of & suddenly worsened .) Always asking this everywhere and open to any unusual suggestions as all conventional methods aren’t helping thus far & blood tests reveal nothing. But from its unexpected onset know it likely isn’t “just” psychology and know others have probably walked a similar path….

#tinnitus #visualsnow #chronicpain

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Logan · @Cognessence
19 followers · 29 posts · Server

Anyone on Mastodon deal with mysterious which randomly moves around various joints? (Along with & suddenly worsened .) Always asking everywhere and open to any unusual suggestions as all conventional methods aren’t helping thus far & tests reveal nothing. But from its sudden onset know it isn’t “just” psychology and know others have surely walked this path.

#tinnitus #visualsnow #chronicpain

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jellal
95 followers · 1434 posts · Server

Philosophy + psychology time! I think (because it was that way for me) that having syndrome predisposes one to rejecting naive realism from a very young age, preferring indirect realism or idealism.

I remember, as a kid, opening a cupboard and closing it again, wondering whether things would continue to exist when they weren't observed (=in the closed cupboard). I don't think that was an issue of object permanence. The fact that I remember this 1/?


Last updated 6 years ago