Some things about me:
I am #aromantic, #asexual, #agender, and #intersex. Very #queer and #neuroqueer.
I have so many disabilities, I find it difficult to remember most of them. This includes the following: #ADHD, #Autism, #Insomnia, #Dysautonomia, #ChronicMigraines, #Type2Diabetes, #VisualSnowSyndrome, #Agoraphobia, #Dyspraxia, #ChronicDepression, #TopographicalDisorientation, etc. This list is nonexhaustive.
#aromantic #asexual #agender #intersex #queer #neuroqueer #adhd #autism #insomnia #dysautonomia #chronicmigraines #type2diabetes #visualsnowsyndrome #agoraphobia #dyspraxia #chronicdepression #topographicaldisorientation
Does anyone have strategies to make reading easier with #VisualSnowSyndrome ? Screen settings or lenses or other things to try? I have so many things I want to read, most of them on electronics, but it's so much harder and more tiring than it was before having snow. I also make more typing errors than I used to cause I can't notice them as easily through all the visual noise. Please consider boosting on disability mastadon or medmastadon!
#VisualSnowSyndrome has been in the news lately. It is a rare #vision disorder, affecting approximately 2% of the population.
I have had Visual Snow Syndrome my whole life. I view the world through a layer of what I can best describe as TV static. I even see the static when I close my eyes. It's difficult to tune out.
I've had this since I was very young, so I never thought it was "abnormal." It wasn't until maybe two years ago that I found out it wasn't common.