Every year since 1999 I've done a two second self portrait that begins on the last second of one year and ends after the first second of the new year. Here's 2022 turning into 2023.
#photography #leica #leicam10 #ttartisans #selfportrait #photographyproject #fineartphotography #finearephotographer #conceptualphotography
#artisticphotography #emotive #of2humans #fineartportrait
#visualsoflife #capturedconcepts
#whyconcept #forbiddenart #visualcreators #visualsgang
#photography #leica #leicam10 #TTartisans #selfportrait #photographyproject #fineartphotography #finearephotographer #conceptualphotography #artisticphotography #emotive #of2humans #fineartportrait #visualsoflife #capturedconcepts #whyconcept #forbiddenart #visualcreators #visualsgang
Mom: "I found some arrows in the attic from when you were in Boy Scouts. Do you want them?"
Me: "No."
Mom: "I already FedEx'd them."
#hasselblad #hasselblad1xd
#discoverportrait #portraitpage #portraitmood #moodyports #portrait_perfection #portraitphotography #show_us_portraits #livethelittlethings #leagueoflenses #top_portraits #pursuitofportraits #portraitmood #endlessfaces #agameoftones #visualsoflife #fineartportraits #moodmagic
#hasselblad #hasselblad1xd #discoverportrait #portraitpage #portraitmood #moodyports #portrait_perfection #portraitphotography #show_us_portraits #livethelittlethings #leagueoflenses #top_portraits #pursuitofportraits #endlessfaces #agameoftones #visualsoflife #fineartportraits #moodmagic