Eigentlich sollten die Diskussionen, ob es sich bei #Atomkraft um eine zukunftsfähige Form der #Energieversorgung handelt, endgültig beendet sein.
Aber irgendwo gibt es sie dann doch noch – Befürworter:innen von Atomkraft. Passenderweise hat die Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien in einer #VisualStory anschaulich zusammengefasst, welche Nachteile & Probleme sich durch Atomkraft ergeben.
#ErneuerbarStattAtomar #ErneuerbareEnergien #Energiewende #MehrAlsÖkostrom
#atomkraft #energieversorgung #visualstory #ErneuerbarStattAtomar #erneuerbareenergien #energiewende #mehralsokostrom
'It's a Wonderful Life' still draws fans to movie theaters -- decades after its release
#visualstory #itwonderfullife #Christmas
#visualstory #itwonderfullife #christmas
Took my son, T, who is 15 and #autistic and has a #learningdisability, to the #OxfordPlayhouse #relaxedperformance of #Cinderella yesterday. So good! We've been going to the pantomime together for years. He loves it and takes part enthusiastically in all the audience participation bits ('Oh no he doesn't', 'he's behind you' etc). Love #inclusive #theatre. This was the 1st year I didn't print off the #visualstory guide to the show for him in advance, and he coped with it just fine. #aboutT #carer
#carer #autistic #learningdisability #oxfordplayhouse #relaxedperformance #cinderella #inclusive #theatre #visualstory #aboutt
RT @touretteshero@twitter.com
I saw @Jack_Hunter95@twitter.com’s tweet about the production of #ChristmasCarol that’s using a puppet for #TinyTim it sounded bad & the #VisualStory didn’t ease my concerns. If you’re using a puppet for the dog because they’re hard to train why are you using a puppet for the disabled child? https://twitter.com/jack_hunter95/status/1596580237453975553
#visualstory #tinytim #christmascarol