Visual Studio Code adds port forwarding - Visual Studio 1.82, the newest iteration of Microsoft’s popular open source code edito... - #integrateddevelopmentenvironments #softwaredevelopment #visualstudiocode #developmenttools
#developmenttools #visualstudiocode #softwaredevelopment #integrateddevelopmentenvironments
I like the new #VisualStudioCode “Command Center”:
– They should add a label so that people know what it’s called.
– I’m not sure it makes sense to have additional palettes (Command Palette etc.). Why not always open the Command Center (sometimes with a prefixed character)?
I’m trying out visual studio code as my new Java IDE as Jetbrain’s IntelliJ is becoming a bit too slow and sluggish for my tastes (at least the latest versions are) and oh my god I can’t believe I’m saying this, but VSC is totally doable as an IDE…
#jetbrains #intellij #visualstudiocode #vsc #microsoft #java
#jetbrains #intellij #visualstudiocode #vsc #microsoft #java
gnome-screenshot does not work from VS Code debugger, but works fine without debugger #python #visualstudiocode #debug #gnomescreenshot
#python #visualstudiocode #debug #gnomescreenshot
Moving Empty snap/zig Directory to a Location Outside of Home Directory on Pop!_OS #snap #directory #homedirectory #visualstudiocode
#snap #directory #homedirectory #visualstudiocode
Microsoft axes Visual Studio for Mac - Microsoft is retiring its Visual Studio for Mac IDE. The company advises developers on... - #integrateddevelopmentenvironments #softwaredevelopment #visualstudiocode #developmenttools #visualstudio
#visualstudio #developmenttools #visualstudiocode #softwaredevelopment #integrateddevelopmentenvironments
Azure Bicep - Deploy Pane
The Azure Bicep Visual Studio Code extension keeps evolving, with a recent (Experimental) feature being added called the Deploy Pane.
#azurebicep #visualstudiocode #mvpbuzz
What do you think about using your #Smartphone as a #Desktop? #SamsungDeX (#DEX) could be a possibility. Running multiple and free scalable windows at the same time. Using #SSH, #GIT, #VSCode (#VisualStudioCode) and do you casual #DevOps, #Frontend, #Backend things done. #Terminus also provides you a fully #CLI environment. An external keyboard and mouse can be connected by USB-C (or even USB-A by a USB hub) or #Bluetooth connection.
#Gaming? Sure - just give streaming services like #GeForceNow, #XCloud/#XboxCloudGaming a try to even play triple A games like #Battlfield5, #Battlefield2042 or #FIFA2023 on your smartphone in Desktop mode.
Now, with #foldable #devices like the #GalaxyFold (#GalaxyFold4, #GalaxyFold5) you might have a #smartphone, #tablet and #computer/#notebook in a single device without any further need of #syncing files via #cloud #services.
More on my blog:
#smartphone #desktop #samsungdex #dex #ssh #git #vscode #visualstudiocode #devops #frontend #backend #terminus #cli #bluetooth #gaming #geforcenow #xcloud #battlfield5 #battlefield2042 #fifa2023 #foldable #devices #galaxyfold #galaxyfold4 #galaxyfold5 #tablet #computer #syncing #cloud #services
I gave it a run, and #VisualStudio (on the Mac) seems like a more complete #dotnet development experience than in #VisualStudioCode. At least for me. There’s a lot of little contextual pieces missing in #VSCode that years of being in #VSNet have trained me to expect.
But this is not a drag on vscode. I’ve used it an really enjoyed it for a long time doing #react and #nodejs. It just feels a little unpolished to me for dotnet work.
#visualstudio #dotnet #visualstudiocode #vscode #vsnet #react #nodejs
VSコード / マークダウン記法で資料作成する時に重宝するツール
#qiita #Markdown #VisualStudioCode #Markdown記法
#qiita #markdown #visualstudiocode #markdown記法
VIsual Studio Code on Linux (Debian) environment chromebook - dependency issues #dependencies #chromebook #visualstudiocode
#dependencies #chromebook #visualstudiocode
The forward looking tech part of my brain is working hard to convince me that I can in fact use #VisualStudioCode just fine for writing C#. But old man me who has been using #VisualStudio since VS97 is trying to tempt me into old habits—“it just feels better in here right?”.
#visualstudiocode #visualstudio
VIsual Studio Code on chromebook - dependency issues #dependencies #chromebook #visualstudiocode
#dependencies #chromebook #visualstudiocode
Visual Studio Code 1.81 führt partielle Profile ein | heise online #VisualStudioCode
Visual Studio Code enhances diff editor, GitHub interop - Visual Studio Code 1.81, the latest release of Microsoft’s extensible open source code... - #integrateddevelopmentenvironments #softwaredevelopment #visualstudiocode #developmenttools
#developmenttools #visualstudiocode #softwaredevelopment #integrateddevelopmentenvironments
NGINX and VS Code permissions #permissions #nginx #visualstudiocode
#permissions #nginx #visualstudiocode
Literally everything that is based on Chrome:
#microsoft #edge
#Amazon #Silk
Literally any #RPGMaker game!
#samsungkidsbrowser (aka My Browser)
#puffinbrowser #jiopages #cốccốc #arcbrowser #samsungkidsbrowser #maxthon #ucbrowser #avastsecurebrowser #comododragon #kiwibrowser #colibri #blisk #SRWAREIRON #operaneon #epicprivacybrowser #visualstudiocode #OperaGX #yandex #ungoogledchromium #vivaldi #rpgmaker #spotify #silk #amazon #samsunginternet #brave #edge #Microsoft #steam #opera #chromecanary #chromium #chrome
Make Use Of: How to Create and Open a Folder in VS Code Using Git Bash for Windows #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #VisualStudioCode #CommandPrompt #Programming #Git
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #visualstudiocode #CommandPrompt #programming #git
Make Use Of: 8 Visual Studio Code Extensions You Didn’t Know You Needed #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #SoftwareRecommendations #VisualStudioCode #Programming
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #SoftwareRecommendations #visualstudiocode #programming