18 ème saison de l'ESL Pro tour, il faudra attendre la fin du mois de septembre pour voir jouer #vitality qui a gagné plutôt haut la main la poule A.
#vitality #CounterStrike #csgo
#Aromatherapy, #Wellness, #NaturalHealing, #SelfCare, #Balance, #Mindfulness, #HolisticHealth, #StressRelief, #HealthyLiving, #Relaxation, #Harmony, #Nurturing, #Serene, #Calming, #InnerPeace, #Tranquility, #PositiveEnergy, #Renewal, #Empowerment, #MindBodySoul, #Wholesome, #MentalClarity, #SpiritualJourney, #Vitality, #Energize, #Nourish, #Restoration, #Positivity, #HolisticWellness, #HealingJourney, #Revitalize, #Wellbeing, #NaturalRemedies, #SelfDiscovery, #Lifestyle, #Bliss
#aromatherapy #wellness #naturalhealing #selfcare #balance #mindfulness #holistichealth #stressrelief #healthyliving #relaxation #harmony #nurturing #serene #calming #innerpeace #tranquility #positiveenergy #renewal #empowerment #mindbodysoul #wholesome #mentalclarity #spiritualjourney #vitality #energize #nourish #restoration #positivity #holisticwellness #healingjourney #revitalize #wellbeing #naturalremedies #selfdiscovery #lifestyle #bliss
In the early part of this month, August, which was just two weeks ago this past Wednesday, I was admitted to the hospital due to a serious blood clot and was treated by a team of professionals in light of the situation. This was originally from a post on Twitter that got shared by me on Facebook and then ultimately on Instagram:
#bloodclot #ultrasound #mri #heparin #anticoagulant #intravenous #diuretic #hospital #irregularheartbeat #health #safety #wellness #body #vitality #recovery #patience
#patience #recovery #vitality #body #wellness #Safety #Health #irregularheartbeat #Hospital #diuretic #intravenous #anticoagulant #heparin #mri #ultrasound #bloodclot
Le parcours de #vitality dans #RocketLeague cette année, c'est une des plus belles histoires d' #esport ! Invaincu depuis plusieurs mois avec l'arrivée de #zen c'est Incroyable
#vitality #rocketleague #esport #zen
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #VITALITY #MMSI: #538071137
Callsign: #V7A4343 Type: #Pleasure Craft
#Flag: #Marshall_Islands Msgs recvd: 10
Seen on: 17-Jul-2023 07:38:23 EDT
Signal #RSSI: -26.2 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #vitality #mmsi #v7a4343 #pleasure #flag #marshall_islands #rssi #kx1t
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS #NEW #FIRST Observation
Name: #VITALITY #MMSI: #538071137
Callsign: #V7A4343 Type: #Pleasure Craft
#Flag: #Marshall_Islands Msgs recvd: 10
Seen on: 14-Jul-2023 15:26:40 EDT
Speed: 18.2 kts
Signal #RSSI: -33.7 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #new #first #vitality #mmsi #v7a4343 #pleasure #flag #marshall_islands #rssi #kx1t
‘It’s been called a vitality meter!’ What your grip says about your health – and how you can improve it
'Strong hands help with everything from opening jars to swinging a racket. And weak ones? They can warn of trouble far beyond the kitchen or tennis court'
#vitality #strength #Health #medicine #Science
Major de #CounterStrike: victoire de l'équipe française #Vitality | AFP
Not The Way.
Xiomaro | http://www.xiomaro.com
#xiomaro #photography #Pandemos #Nottheway #trailer #musicvideo #music #rocknroll #guitar #songwriter #singer #recording #hardrock #vitality #dignity #dementia #decline #pandemic #neurons #brain #premiere
#xiomaro #photography #pandemos #nottheway #trailer #musicvideo #music #rocknroll #guitar #songwriter #singer #recording #hardrock #vitality #dignity #dementia #decline #pandemic #neurons #brain #premiere
Holly Wright (Archaeology Data Service) made an important point at #caa2023ams panel on collabs across ICT initiatives that support archaeology and CH that collaboration is the only way to attain #vitality and #relevance of info ecosystems #archaeology #infrastructures
#caa2023ams #vitality #relevance #archaeology #infrastructures
"Verse 71 reminds us that embracing humility and a willingness to learn leads to vitality. The Sage takes care of all with compassion and inner knowing. 🙏 #WuWei #YuWei #Vitality #Compassion"
#wuwei #yuwei #vitality #compassion
After #suppressing so-called anti-#Ukraine content in #Poland, the #dotcon will now target #Germany via #advertising.
> "Using #ads as a vehicle to counter (…) #disinformation is pretty novel," said #BethGoldberg, Head of research and development at #Jigsaw. "We’re excited about the results."
Fedifrens, how might #vitality be drained by fake ads selling #narratives?
FYI, #uBlock is on #TorBrowser by default in #TailOS.
#suppressing #ukraine #poland #dotcon #germany #advertising #ads #disinformation #bethgoldberg #jigsaw #vitality #narratives #ublock #torbrowser #TailOS
#Vitality ma jeden problem i ten problem nazywa sie #ZywOo
Kontrowersyjne? Juz tlumacze
Chodzi mi o to, ze to ciagle jest zespol, ktory swoja gre w calosci opiera o forme ZywOo, jesli on gra slabiej to nagle caly zespol przestaje dowozic - to jest sytuacja, w ktorej kiedys bylo #NaVi opierajace swoja gre o #s1mple'a - dzis to sie wyrownalo, mam nadzieje, ze u Vitality bedzie kiedys tak samo
#vitality #zywoo #navi #s1mple #iemkatowice2023 #csgo #esport
W #PolskiCS najwazniejsze sa:
- 15:30 spotkanie #HONORIS (POL) z #BIG (GER) o awans do #IEMRio w drabince przegranych w kwalifikacjach - https://www.twitch.tv/hnrs (POL)
- o 13:20 dziewczyny z #NatusVincere #Javelins zaczynaja walke w ramach #ESLImpact #Katowice (beda graly na scenie w MCK), zagraja z #CLGRed (USA/CAN) - potem zagraja chyba jeszcze jeden mecz, ale to zalezy od wyniku tego spotkania - https://www.twitch.tv/angelkacs (POL)
A w glownym turnieju #IEMKatowice2023 mamy dwa cwiercfinaly (dwoch polfinalistow jest juz rozstawionych):
- 15:30 #NatusVincere (UKR) vs. #Outsiders (RUS)
- 19:00 #Liquid (USA) vs. #Vitality (EU)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo (ENG)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo_pl (POL)
#csowyrozkladjazdy #polskics #honoris #big #iemrio #natusvincere #javelins #eslimpact #katowice #clgred #iemkatowice2023 #outsiders #liquid #vitality #csgo #esport
Lets ask here as well. Anyone here who as experience with #AHCC the #supplement? My vitality coach suggested it to me to help with my fatigue. I was wondering if more people have tried that. #Vitality #postCovidRecovery #LongCovid
#LongCovid #postcovidrecovery #vitality #supplement #ahcc
#CSowyRozkladJazdy part 2. - #IEMKatowice2023
Dzis ostatni dzien fazy grupowej i mecze decydujace dla wielu druzyn o awansie do Spodka, albo wylocie do domu ;)
- #fnatic (EU) vs. #Complexity (USA/CAN)
- #OG (EU/POL) vs. #Outsiders (RUS)
- #FaZe (EU) vs. #Liquid (USA)
- #Heroic (DEN) vs. #Vitality (EU)
- #G2 (EU) vs. #NatusVincere (UKR)
- druzyny ostatniego meczu zostana wylonione - to bedzie ktos z pary fnatic / Complexity i OG / Outsiders
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo (ENG)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgob (ENG)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo_pl (POL)
#csowyrozkladjazdy #iemkatowice2023 #fnatic #complexity #og #outsiders #faze #liquid #heroic #vitality #g2 #natusvincere #esport #csgo
#CSowyRozkladJazdy na dzis:
W #PolskiCS dwa spotkania:
- 13:00 #Aurora (RUS) vs. #Illuminar (POL) - stream: https://www.twitch.tv/fishthehusky (ENG)
16:00 - #EternalFireAcademy (TUR) vs. #Anonymo (POL) - https://www.twitch.tv/edenesports (ENG), https://www.twitch.tv/anonymobeone (POL)
#NinjasInPyjamas (EU) vs. #Outsiders (RUS)
#Heroic (DEN) vs. #OG (EU / POL)
#Complexity (USA/CAN) vs. #MOUZ (EU)
#Vitality (EU) vs. #fnatic (EU)
#FaZe (EU) vs. #IHC (MONG)
#Spirit (RUS) vs. #Liquid (USA)
Czy dzisiaj bedzie ten dzien, w ktorym IHC zapewni sobie awans do play-offow do Spodka i to kosztem FaZe...? 👀
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo (ENG)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgob (ENG)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo_pl (POL)
#csowyrozkladjazdy #polskics #aurora #illuminar #eternalfireacademy #anonymo #iemkatowice2023 #ninjasinpyjamas #outsiders #heroic #og #complexity #mouz #vitality #fnatic #faze #IHC #spirit #liquid #esport #csgo
Dzis w #CSowyRozkladJazdy jeden mecz Polakow
- 13:00 #EvilGeniuses (USA) vs. #Illuminar (POL) https://www.twitch.tv/cct_en
A poza tym zaczynamy faze grupowa #IEMKatowice2023 wiec do walki wchodza najwazniejsze zespoly ze swiatowej czolowki
- #Cloud9 (RUS) vs. #NatusVincere (UKR)
- G2 (EU) vs. #BIG (GER)
- 16:00 ulubiency polskiej publicznosci czyli #FaZeClan (EU) vs. #Spirit (RUS)
- #Vitality (EU) vs. #NinjasInPyjamas (EU)
- #Liquid (USA) vs. sensacja turnieju - #IHC (MONG)
- #OG (EU / POL) vs. #MOUZ (EU)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo (ENG)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgob (ENG)
https://www.twitch.tv/esl_csgo_pl (POL)
#csowyrozkladjazdy #evilgeniuses #illuminar #iemkatowice2023 #cloud9 #natusvincere #big #fazeclan #spirit #vitality #ninjasinpyjamas #liquid #IHC #og #mouz #esport #csgo
I contacted support of a company over email.
They've sent me an email reply which notifies me of a "sensitive message" in the web account. I log in and go to the "messages section" where the message is a one-liner with attachment. I download the attachment - HTML file <rnd>.html.html (not a typo) - which includes the reply to my initial email. In this file, I am asked to send more details to their support email address.
Hello, #Vitality. You have reached the pinnacle of #software #engineering!
#vitality #software #engineering