I took a dive into #Vitess today, the "secret sauce" from YouTube (and Planetscale) for crazy database scaling.
Honestly it does look really good, nicer than Galera, but they really need better documentation and examples for everyone that _doesn't_ use Kubernetes. 😡
So for now I don't think I'm going to use it. That said, I think I will switch to Percona from MariaDB, to save myself the migration pain later.
Drei Fragen und Antworten: endlich echte Innovationen bei Cloud-Datenbanken
Mit dem Wechsel in die Cloud stehen erstmals seit langem komplett neu gedachte Datenbanken zur Verfügung. Wir werfen einen Blick auf Yugabyte & Co.
#AmazonWebServices #CloudComputing #CockroachDB #Datenbanken #GoogleCloud #Kubernetes #LinuxundOpenSource #MicrosoftAzure #SQL #Vitess #YugabyteDB #iX #News
#amazonwebservices #cloudcomputing #cockroachdb #datenbanken #googlecloud #kubernetes #linuxundopensource #microsoftazure #sql #vitess #yugabytedb #ix #news
Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL.
#vitess #Kubernetes #infra #tools #MySQL #database #clustering #scalability
#vitess #kubernetes #infra #tools #MySQL #database #clustering #scalability