I wish Mastodon would let me load these pictures in the order I want to load them in. Oh well. Here's a set called the Celestial Warriors by Bossfight Studio for their Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. toy line. Medusa with a paint job inspired by the Serpens constellation, and Perseus with a paint job inspired by the constellation of the same name!
#BossFightStudio #VitruvianHACKS #GreekMythology #Medusa #Perseus #SerpensConstellation #Constellation #Toys #ToyPhotography
#bossfightstudio #vitruvianhacks #greekmythology #medusa #perseus #serpensconstellation #constellation #toys #toyphotography
Did you see the big reveals? You might want to make sure you get the next issue of ToyCollectr Magazine! #actionfigures #figures #toys #vitruvianhacks
#vitruvianhacks #toys #figures #actionfigures