- REDS - - 1981

Such a passionate and beautifully done movie (cinematography ) about the lives of and , who witnesses and covers the 1917-23 Russian Revolution as the event unfolds; portrayed by Beatty and .


#criterionchannel #Criterion #History #auteur #cinema #cinemastodon #Historicaldrama #1980s #classicmovies #NewHollywood #dianekeaton #louisebryant #johnreed #vittoriostoraro #warrenbeatty #nowwatching

Last updated 1 year ago

- REDS - - 1981

Such a passionate and beautifully done movie (cinematography ) about the lives of and , who witnesses and covers the 1917-23 Russian Revolution as the event unfolds; portrayed by Beatty and .


#criterionchannel #Criterion #History #auteur #cinema #cinemastodon #Historicaldrama #1980s #classicmovies #NewHollywood #dianekeaton #louisebryant #johnreed #vittoriostoraro #warrenbeatty #nowwatching

Last updated 1 year ago

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