θέλω να γίνω ο 2ος αριστερός πρωθυπουργός της ελλάδας, να με πιέζουν οι ευρωπαίοι να τα ξεπουλήσω όλα, να αντιστέκομαι λίγο στην αρχή αλλά να τα ξεπουλάω όλα, θα έχω όμως σατανικό σχέδιο να τα ξαναγοράσω με δάνεια που θα πάρω από τους ευρωπαίους φίλους μας #vivalarevolution
Talking to a medico yesterday about my lifelong struggles with weight. His response?
"Me too. [shrug] Sixty percent of the U.S. population is obese."
Look. If a few of us are too fat, it may well be our faults. But if millions are too fat?
We're pathologizing problems arising from a system (agribusiness, food processing & marketing) that might as well have been specifically designed to make it so.
#obesity #externalities #vivalarevolution
Elon Musk is a worthless human. Apart from being an amazing snake oil salesman he has absolutely no redeeming features.
Very Trump like to ridicule a disabled person.
@mark @pluralistic amen to that #copyright laws are driven largely by corporate greed not by creators and we all just seem to accept it #VivaLaRevolution
#vivalarevolution A good read. An local/global issue. This insanity needs to end. 🤔🤠🤡🤑🤯 https://eand.co/this-is-why-your-energy-bills-are-going-through-the-roof-cc99e2a59d12