Yesterday we launched the update of our Vivaldi Themes site.
Thomas Pike of our Sys Admin Team pulls back the curtains and gives a sneak peek into the work behind the update in his new blog!
#VivaldiThemes #BehindTheScenes
Give it a read here⬇️
#vivaldithemes #behindthescenes
Avez-vous essayé #VivaldiThemes sur ?
Trouvez maintenant vos #thèmes préférés pour votre #navigateur #Vivaldi #Desktop avec une #recherche améliorée et de meilleures options de #filtrage.
Avec plus de 3000 thèmes incroyables, il est désormais plus facile que jamais d'en trouver un qui vous convient.
Cliquez sur "Partager" sur la page du thème pour favoriser votre propre thème ou partager celui que vous aimez avec tout le monde ici.
#vivaldithemes #themes #navigateur #vivaldi #desktop #recherche #filtrage #personnalisation #communaute
Have you tried #VivaldiThemes on 😍
Now find your favorite themes for #Vivaldi #Browser with improved search and better filter options.
With more than 3000 amazing themes it's now easier than ever to find one that is just the right one for you.
Click Share on the theme's page to boost your own theme or share one you like with everyone here.
#vivaldithemes #vivaldi #browser #customization #community
Customisation in #Vivaldi seems to be going up another level soon enough :tony_smirking:
#vivaldi #vivaldibrowser #vivaldithemes
Customisation in #Vivaldi seems to be going up another level soon enough :tony_smirking:
#vivaldi #vivaldibrowser #vivaldithemes
When you've come across a #blog post on or that you'd like to share with everyone on Vivaldi Social or other Mastodon instances, just click on the Mastodon share option below the post, enter your instance's link, add a comment (if you wish) and click Publish. :tony_grinning:
Bonus! You can also share #VivaldiThemes. :tony_wee:
#vivalditip #blog #vivaldithemes
@saduran You could check the Featured and Popular #VivaldiThemes on
I don't use one of the #VivaldiThemes, per se. Rather, in 2018, Vivaldi posted on their blog some themes based around the World Cup, with backgrounds that matched several of the compeitors.
They didn't post one for Scotland 🏴 -- they didn't qualify, then or now -- but I took one of the backgrounds, adjusted the colors to match the saltire, adjusted the tab and menu color settings, and have used it ever since.
That's my theme -- Scotland!
As a fan of all things cute, this still remains my current light mode Vivaldi theme.
Didn't make it myself, but this is probably my favorite Vivaldi theme. Currently using it on both my home and work computer. :tony_smirking:
3000 Themes and counting!
Vivaldi's Themes Gallery has surpassed the staggering number of 3000 published themes. Our community is alive and buzzing with creativity.
Here on Vivaldi Social we would very much like to see your creations so post them here for everyone to see and tag them with #VivaldiThemes! Either a theme you've shared on Vivaldi Themes, or perhaps a screenshot of a theme you keep only for yourself! We would love to see them all.