@glfceo @marxtango @WearablesExpert Hey I know that guy on the right! I am still recovering from #ViVE2023. How do you all do it?
RT @djwhelan: So great to see LA’s @SaludConTech team rocking @theviveevent #Techquity Stage. Kudos to @jhaimycf for connecting the dots here, back at @biosciencela, and everywhere in between. Congrats on this amazing #Latino @ #ViVE2023 meetup. Here’s to many more! https://t.co/lNu22LXyTo https://t.co/Vn1oPLvICd
So great to see LA’s @SaludConTech team rocking @theviveevent #Techquity Stage. Kudos to @jhaimycf for connecting the dots here, back at @biosciencela, and everywhere in between. Congrats on this amazing #Latino @ #ViVE2023 meetup. Here’s to many more! https://t.co/lNu22LXyTo https://t.co/Vn1oPLvICd
“Democratizing Cancer Care: A New Paradigm for Access”: Delighted to see @cityofhope’s @drharlanlevine on stage at #ViVE2023 with @townhallvntrs’ Anna Fagin to discuss #value-based care, equity, and access in oncology. Such a critical conversation. https://t.co/W81dooT4lp
RT @djwhelan: “Democratizing Cancer Care: A New Paradigm for Access”: Delighted to see @cityofhope’s @drharlanlevine on stage at #ViVE2023 with @townhallvntrs’ Anna Fagin to discuss #value-based care, equity, and access in oncology. Such a critical conversation. https://t.co/W81dooT4lp
RT @djwhelan: Early mornings are always worth it with the @SpringboardEnt team. Honored to be part of the #ViVE2023 Springboard Host Committee and to be joined by some great colleagues and collaborators. Hello @swateesurve and @jhaimycf! https://t.co/y14tYvTqQw https://t.co/hbPdQd7xFY
Early mornings are always worth it with the @SpringboardEnt team. Honored to be part of the #ViVE2023 Springboard Host Committee and to be joined by some great colleagues and collaborators. Hello @swateesurve and @jhaimycf! https://t.co/y14tYvTqQw https://t.co/hbPdQd7xFY
Kicking off #ViVE2023 with a global bang at @ECHAlliance’s #GHCPSummitViVE23. We have @biosciencela #LeadershipCatalystProgram @joncwarner on stage, @biosciencela team @SriBatchu
#vive2023 #ghcpsummitvive23 #leadershipcatalystprogram
RT @djwhelan: Kicking off #ViVE2023 with a global bang at @ECHAlliance’s #GHCPSummitViVE23. We have @biosciencela #LeadershipCatalystProgram @joncwarner on stage, @biosciencela team @SriBatchu
#vive2023 #ghcpsummitvive23 #leadershipcatalystprogram
@Katie_Roof How about Nashville? I think it is the best of both worlds in some ways. And I am heading to #ViVE2023 this weekend, so I hope that to be true.
RT @biosciencela: @SriBatchu @djwhelan @ScaleYourHealth @CIOCHIME @HLTHEVENT Of course, you are always welcome to drop by the @ScaleYourHealth Pavilion (booth 750) to say hi. If you have not yet registered for #ViVE2023, use code VIVE23SP_Bioscien150 to save $150! https://t.co/IDf3LGJWf1 https://t.co/yB15anKTro
RT @biosciencela: BioscienceLA is proud to join the ScaleHealth Pavilion once again for CHIME HLTH’s #ViVE2023. @SriBatchu and @djwhelan look forward to seeing you in Nashville. If you want to schedule some time, please reach out here or on the ViVE Connect 1:1 system. https://t.co/IDf3LGJWf1 https://t.co/jQ0dZVjKtW
@SriBatchu @djwhelan @ScaleYourHealth @CIOCHIME @HLTHEVENT Of course, you are always welcome to drop by the @ScaleYourHealth Pavilion (booth 750) to say hi. If you have not yet registered for #ViVE2023, use code VIVE23SP_Bioscien150 to save $150! https://t.co/IDf3LGJWf1 https://t.co/yB15anKTro
BioscienceLA is proud to join the ScaleHealth Pavilion once again for CHIME HLTH’s #ViVE2023. @SriBatchu and @djwhelan look forward to seeing you in Nashville. If you want to schedule some time, please reach out here or on the ViVE Connect 1:1 system. https://t.co/IDf3LGJWf1 https://t.co/jQ0dZVjKtW