Unfortunately I expect I need a second triplet of #vivetracker3 for chest and elbow tracking. 🤑🤑🤑 And some tight slippers, to which I can tightly affix two of my existing trackers.
And it seems I need to do some voice acting... Oof...
#vr #gamedevelopment #MocapFusionVR
Then I will be one of those VR people you hear about.
Yikes. Is this who I am? :aaaa: :AAAAAA:
#vivetracker3 #vr #gamedevelopment #mocapfusionvr
Update. Its been reported on steam forums that this is a very old bug in thr OpenXR interface for SteamVR, so its not something than can be fixed in Godot. 😕 I guess that confirms that "nobody" uses the #vivetracker3 pogo pin port.
Shorting various pins to ground works in the SteamVR controller test panel but after connecting a few things in the XR Action Map #godotengine barfs with endless stream of XR_ERROR_PATH_UNSUPPORTED. Oh well, barely anyone seems to have used the #vivetracker3 pogo expansion port anyway.