#boomerissimo #naomicampbell #naomicampbellwalk #gianniversace #viviennewestwood
#boomerissimo #naomicampbell #naomicampbellwalk #gianniversace #viviennewestwood
Fashion icon Vivienne Westwood was born on this date in 1941.
#viviennewestwood #fashion #baseballcards #cardart
Remembering the phantasmagorical Dame Vivienne Westwood on her birthday. #viviennewestwood #dameviviennewestwood #style #fashion #icon #climaterevolution
#viviennewestwood #dameviviennewestwood #style #fashion #icon #climaterevolution
Remembering Vivienne Isabel Westwood, English fashion designer who was instrumental in bringing modern punk and new wave fashion into the mainstream, born on this day in 1941
#punk #punks #punkrock #womenofpunk #VivienneWestwood #history #punkrockhistory #otd
#punk #punks #PunkRock #womenofpunk #viviennewestwood #history #punkrockhistory #otd
»You’ve got to invest in the world, you’ve got to read, you’ve got to go to art galleries, you’ve got to find out the names of plants. You’ve got to start to love the world and know about the whole genius of the human race. We’re amazing people.«
Ich hatte die Ehre, diese Gedenkanzeige mit 60 weiteren Ehemaligen der Modeklasse von Vivienne Westwood an der UdK Berlin für den Kulturteil der wochentaz zu gestalten.
#wochentaz #taz #udkberlin #viviennewestwood
西太后Vivienne Westwood追思會
時尚界頂尖人物雲集 貫徹叛逆反抗精神
請支持娛壹Patreon | #西太后 #VivienneWestwood #追思會 #Wyman #MarcJacobs #PaulSmith #AnnaWintour #娛壹 | #MEWE香港娛樂
#MEWE香港娛樂 #娛壹 #annawintour #paulsmith #marcjacobs #Wyman #追思會 #viviennewestwood #西太后
I was oddly fascinated by the photos of celebrities at the Vivienne Westwood memorial service. I'm not normally interested in such things but I guess the #punk element had a say. #VivienneWestwood
Vivienne Westwood Spring Summer 2023
Some New Romantic vibes in this collection that echo that movement's gender-defying style.
#fashion #viviennewestwood #newromantics
Fantastic to meet Lucy Deane to thank her for being a monthly donator to
As Darragh Did.
Lucy’s donation makes her eligible for our Quarterly Prize Draws where Lucy won a beautiful #VivienneWestwood bag.
Thanks to all who donate. Our next draw is March 31st
Kotaku: The Fashion Legend That's Influenced Some Of Your Favorite Games And Manga #gaming #tech #kotaku #franc3a7oisboucher #viviennewestwood #internetculture #finalfantasyxv #stephentotilo #nataniabarron #nerdculture #yusukenaora #stereotypes #lunafreya #sethcohen #westwood #culture #gaming #corset #humans #theoc #geek #nerd
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #franc3a7oisboucher #viviennewestwood #InternetCulture #finalfantasyxv #stephentotilo #nataniabarron #nerdculture #yusukenaora #stereotypes #lunafreya #sethcohen #westwood #Culture #corset #Humans #theoc #geek #nerd
Fashion icon Vivienne Westwood, 1977 Topps style
#viviennewestwood #fashion #baseballcards #cardart
I assume that for most people, there are a few precious others who have shaped them, directly or in confrontation or both.
For me, Vivienne Westwood, in whose fashion class at UdK Berlin I studied, was one of those people without whom I most likely would not be who I am today, and to whom I am infinitely grateful for everything I learned from her (and often, against her).
It was an honour and a privilege.
RT @TheWomensVoice1
🕊️La papesse de la mode punk #VivienneWestwood est morte le 29 décembre.
Avant gardiste grâce à ses vêtements colorés et et excentriques, la créatrice ultra engagée pour l'environnement a été l'une des premières à arrêter toute utilisation de fourrure dans ses travaux.
There's lots of news about the Vivienne Westwood, and how she 'invented punk fashion'. But there's not much news how there's little love lost between her and the punk scene.
Take this headline: “Once Sex Pistols folded, John Lydon didn’t have any more ideas”. It's a pretty pathetic thing to pretend PiL didn't exist.
A job at #VivienneWestwood’s shop made me a Sex Pistol -
Glen Matlock
Glen Matlock recalling meeting and starting to work for Vivienne Westwood ....
#sexpistols #glenmatlock #viviennewestwood #punk
Was war los vergangene Woche? Jedes Mal wenn wir nach News geschaut haben ein weiterer Todesfall wie z.B. #Pele oder #VivienneWestwood um nur 2 der Todesfälle zu nennen. Entsprechend Düster starten wir in das neue Jahr. Um die Sache abzurunden reden wir über das evtl. Comeback von Bill Cosby und den Beef von #AndrewTate mit #gretathunberg Doch wir lassen uns die Stimmung nicht verderben den es gibt schöne Weihnachtsbilder und einen vermeintlichen Babybauch…
#pele #viviennewestwood #andrewtate #gretathunberg
I don’t even know which quote to pull from this interview. 🙌 #VivienneWestwood
Vivienne Westwood,
81 ans