The Times Of India :press: · @timesofindia
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launches and laptops with 13th-generation processor

#asus #zenbookpro #vivobook #intelcore #press

Last updated 1 year ago

Someone needed a laptop fixed. Said it wouldn't power on. Newish (last 3 years) Asus Vivobook.
Pulled it apart, verified voltage at the power input, verified at the battery. Checked all mosfets, verified no issues there... Was checking edge of the board with microscope, and saw a bunch of goo. Looked almost like flux. Decided to pull heatsink off and investigate components under and ended up finding where the magic pixies escaped from.

Unsure what the chip is. I can make out a 7 after the =, but not seeing anything online.

Snagged a motherboard on auction site that has a broken power adapter port.. hoping the chip on that isn't burnt. Same general MB, just different processor, less RAM, etc. But, should be the same chip in that spot.

#electronics #righttorepair #asus #asuslaptop #vivobook

Last updated 2 years ago

20000lbs of Cheese · @20kqueso
203 followers · 2078 posts · Server

i'm sure it'll be fine. has been rock solid on a cheapish


Last updated 2 years ago