I used to work with the author of this letter to Viz, and can confirm that she was the most gifted swearer I've ever met.
Lorna (Viz typo'd her name) could also swear in fluent Middle English, and also give you the Roget heading number from memory of any word you could mention.
Letter is from Viz issue 54, July/August 1992.
Via Viz Comic @vizcomic
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Another classic from Davey Jones’ locker. This is legit one of my all-time top three #vizcomic strips.
If I see another online ad telling me to read the insecure edgelord’s favorite book “Mein Kampf” one more time, I am going to put my foot through my iPhone and send them the bill.
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#vizcomic #JustStopIt #onlinemarketing #apple #twitter #racism #blinkist