Mein kurzer Vortrag zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten von #GaiaX in #Bibliotheken auf der #Verbundkonferenz 2023 des #GBV ist jetzt online #GBVVK23 #VK23
#GaiaX #bibliotheken #verbundkonferenz #gbv #gbvvk23 #vk23
@moritz closing the morning session with a relevant Vonnegut quote. #vk23 #visualizingKnowledge
Sustainable design practices need more maintenance work and less creative one-offs.
Visualizing knowledge tomorrow the 16th! Looking forward to a full day of talks.
If someone is interested in the prehistory of the event, we have an archive of past speaker presentations preserved over at
(Posting this here from over-there,.... )
#VK23 conference is live streamed from @AaltoUniversity on June 16!
Thrilled to be part of Visualizing Knowledge 2023 #vk23 in Helsinki on June 16, with wonderful speakers such as Moritz Stefaner @moritz, Caroline Goulard of Dataveyes, Frank Elavsky @frankelavsky, and more.
Clive Richards and I will present ‘The DNA of Visualization’ #VisDNA – part of our upcoming book ‘Elements of Diagramming’ #ElementsOfDiagramming
Conference website:
cc: @jhilden @koponenhilden
#elementsofdiagramming #visdna #vk23
Thrilled to be part of Visualizing Knowledge 2023 #vk23 in Helsinki on June 16, with wonderful speakers such as Moritz Stefaner @moritz, Caroline Goulard of Dataveyes, Frank Elavsky @frankelavsky, and more.
Clive Richards and I will present ‘The DNA of Visualization’ #VisDNA – part of our upcoming book ‘Elements of Diagramming’ #ElementsOfDiagramming
#elementsofdiagramming #visdna #vk23
Visualizing knowledge conference on the 16th of June, direct registration link:
Visualizing knowledge festival extended the early bird ticket deadline to the 24th of March.
Highly recommended if you’re in Finland (or always wanted to visit, for that matter!). Takes place in Espoo on the 16th of June. #VK23 #visualization #conference
#conference #visualization #vk23
#visual Students…this looks interesting ‘Share your data & design work with the world!’ #VK23 international call for students projects is now open for submission. Send your project by May 5th, get details at #dataviz #conference #datadesign
#datadesign #conference #dataviz #vk23 #visual
Visualizing knowledge, a festival I was involved in launching, is making a comeback:
Share your data & design work with the world! #VK23 international call for students projects is now open for submission. Send your project by May 5th, get details at #dataviz #conference #datadesign #data #conference #helsinki #finland #aaltoarts
#aaltoarts #finland #helsinki #data #datadesign #conference #dataviz #vk23