Telegram spopola in Russia: superato VKontakte
#Telegram #VKontakte #Russia #socialmedia #socialnetwork #record #YouTube #WhatsApp #messenger #chat
#telegram #vkontakte #russia #socialmedia #socialnetwork #record #youtube #whatsapp #messenger #chat
¿Qué tanto tiempo dedican al día a publicar en #RedesSociales? No a leer: a crear o compartir.
(Si pueden retootear esta #encuesta, para así aumentar el tamaño de la muestra, se los agradeceré.) 🙌🏽
#internet #fediverso #publicaciones #VidaDigital #encuestas #X #Twitter #Facebook #Instagram #Threads #TikTok #VKontakte #Mastodon #WeChat #Bluesky #Tumblr
#redessociales #encuesta #internet #fediverso #publicaciones #vidadigital #encuestas #x #twitter #facebook #instagram #threads #tiktok #vkontakte #mastodon #wechat #bluesky #tumblr
@bodomenke @digitalcourage Germany's obsession with "data protection" is no longer for the sake of privacy. It's an obsession guided solely against US companies while willingly sharing everything with #China via #TikTok or #Russia via #vKontakte. #Heise with its Russian and Chinese propaganda outlet "Heise #Telepolis" is the main pillar of this.
These people criticized #ISDN back in time for displaying the caller id/the caller's number! "PRIVACY! DATA PROTECTION. WE WILL SUE DEUTSCHE TELEKOM"
#china #tiktok #russia #vkontakte #heise #telepolis #isdn
VKontakte sta per lanciare l'accesso senza password
#vkontakte #password #biometria #accesso #login #OnePass #socialmedia #socialnetwork
#vkontakte #password #biometria #accesso #login #onepass #socialmedia #socialnetwork
VK sviluppa una propria app per sostituire Tinder
#VK #VKontakte #Tinder #incontri
#vk #vkontakte #tinder #incontri
Crypto Groups on Russian Social Media Hit by Bots Discrediting Bitcoin - Social media groups devoted to cryptocurrencies in Russia have been attacked by bo... - #socialmediaplatform #cryptocurrencies #cryptochannels #cryptocurrency #nikitazuborev #socialnetwork #anti-bitcoin #cryptogroups #socialmedia #paveldurov #messenger #vkontakte #campaign #channels #messages #telegram #attacks #bitcoin
#bitcoin #attacks #telegram #messages #channels #campaign #vkontakte #messenger #paveldurov #socialmedia #cryptogroups #anti #socialnetwork #nikitazuborev #cryptocurrency #cryptochannels #cryptocurrencies #SocialMediaPlatform
Ukraine wants ban on game allegedly funded by Russians and set in glorified USSR - Enlarge / How Soviet-era Russia looks inside Atomic Heart, at least at ... - #russianinvasionofukraine #gaming&culture #seoexplainer #atomicheart #explainer #vkontakte #mundfish #gazprom #ukraine #russia #steam #ussr
#ussr #steam #russia #ukraine #gazprom #mundfish #vkontakte #explainer #atomicheart #seoexplainer #gaming #russianinvasionofukraine
Ars Technica: Ukraine wants ban on game allegedly funded by Russians and set in glorified USSR #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #RussianinvasionofUkraine #Gaming&Culture #seoexplainer #Atomicheart #explainer #vKontakte #mundfish #gazprom #Ukraine #russia #Steam #USSR
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #RussianInvasionofUkraine #Gaming #seoexplainer #atomicheart #explainer #vkontakte #mundfish #Gazprom #ukraine #russia #steam #ussr
Die Lausitzer Allgmeine Zeitung hat lustige Teilen-Knöpfe unter ihren Artikeln... #googleplus #vkontakte #kyrillisch
Aber das ist ohnehin ein sehr fragwürdiges Blog:
#kyrillisch #vkontakte #googleplus
Pavel Valerievitch Dourov, Paul Du Rove après sa naturalisation française, né le 10 octobre 1984 à #Leningrad , est un informaticien cofondateur #VKontakte de l'application #Telegram .
Il possède la nationalité de 4 pays :
#Russie (depuis le 25 décembre 1991)
#SaintChristopheetNieves (depuis mars 2013)
#EmiratArabesUnis (depuis février 2021)
#France (depuis le 23 août 2021)
#leningrad #vkontakte #telegram #russie #saintchristopheetnieves #EmiratArabesUnis #france
Russian Social Media Giant Vkontakte Launches NFT Service - Russia’s largest social network, Vkontakte, has launched a feature allowing users ... - #digitalcollectibles #non-fungibletokens #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #nftmarketplace #socialnetwork #collectibles #cryptoassets #marketplace #socialmedia #vkontakte #avatars #russian #crypto #russia #tokens #token #users #news #nfts #nft #vk
#vk #nft #nfts #news #users #token #tokens #russia #crypto #russian #avatars #vkontakte #socialmedia #marketplace #cryptoassets #collectibles #socialnetwork #nftmarketplace #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #non #digitalcollectibles
Che poi.... su #Facebook avevo il profilo bloccato perché mi ero rotto di dovermi preoccupare delle singole paturnie delle persone, #Twitter lo uso solo per leggere perché secondo me è popolato di gossippari e autoreferenzialisti a cui non piace rispondere a nessuno. E di Facebook posso anche dire che fui un "early adopter". Preistoria, insomma. Ma ho avuto account anche su #Orkut; senza dimenticare #Vkontakte giusto per vedere l'aria (bruttissima) che tirava lì sopra.
#vkontakte #Orkut #twitter #facebook
Well, that is a thing. Whyyy... #vk #vkontakte #openvk #fediverse
#vkontakte #openvk #vk #fediverse
#Apple hat die #iOS-Apps von #VK, dem Technologiekonglomerat, das hinter der russischen Version von Facebook namens #VKontakte steht, weltweit aus seinem App Store entfernt.
"Apple spokesperson Adam Dema confirmed that VK’s apps have been removed and its developer accounts shut down."
#xp #vkontakte #vk #ios #apple
La guerra spinge il riconoscimento facciale #IntelligenzaArtificiale #riconoscimentofacciale #PrivacyInternational #problemadelconsenso #misurerepressive #otherraceeffect #Roskomsvoboda #FabioDeSicot #GuerrediRete #CyberSaiyan #hoanton-hat #takeokanade #kommersant #SpiderSilk #clearview #findclone #vkontakte #evidenza #ntechlab #OVD-info #jolek78 #pimeyes #ucraina #russia #UNHCR #eff #Usa
#usa #eff #unhcr #russia #ucraina #PimEyes #jolek78 #OVD #NtechLab #evidenza #vkontakte #FindClone #clearview #spidersilk #kommersant #takeokanade #hoanton #CyberSaiyan #guerredirete #FabioDeSicot #roskomsvoboda #otherraceeffect #misurerepressive #problemadelconsenso #privacyinternational #riconoscimentofacciale #intelligenzaartificiale
@diggita come social network alternativi a fb, cosa consigliate? #mewe ? #vkontakte ?
Я учил русский язык около года, но забыл почти все, что выучил, у меня есть люди, которых я знал в #Discord, но все они имеют социальную сеть #VKontakte Я создал свой аккаунт, но только для того, чтобы общаться с моими виртуальными друзьями.
WeChat integrates E-Yuan #wechat #whatsapp #facebook #instagram #tiktok #telegram #youtube #twitter #china #linkedin #ricgroup #reddit #pinterest #bsgroup #berfashop #message #post #alipay #odnoklassniki #vkontakte #discord #adwayworld #astarworld #rictan
#wechat #whatsapp #facebook #instagram #tiktok #telegram #youtube #twitter #China #linkedin #ricgroup #Reddit #pinterest #bsgroup #berfashop #message #post #alipay #odnoklassniki #vkontakte #discord #adwayworld #astarworld #rictan
REvil Ransom Arrest, $6M Seizure, and $10M Reward #YevgeniyIgorevichPolyanin #U.S.DepartmentofState #Ne'er-Do-WellNews #Breadcrumbs #Ransomware #ransomware #vkontakte #rEvil
#YevgeniyIgorevichPolyanin #U #damnating #ne #yarik45 #Breadcrumbs #ransomware #vkontakte #rEvil
REvil Ransom Arrest, $6M Seizure, and $10M Reward - The U.S. Department of Justice today announced the arrest of Ukrainian man accused... #yevgeniyigorevichpolyanin #u.s.departmentofstate #neer-do-wellnews #breadcrumbs #ransomware #vkontakte #revil
#revil #vkontakte #ransomware #breadcrumbs #neer #yarik45 #damnating #u #yevgeniyigorevichpolyanin