Óli Gneisti (English) · @oligneisti
323 followers · 708 posts · Server social.linux.pizza

The way we shape our stories is fascinating but there is no reason to conclude that we are born with a certain pattern hard-wired into us. Children start out telling stories that have no structure and slowly learn how a story is expected to go.

Countless writers have tackled the idea of the Hero's Journey. My favourite is Vladimir Propp's (who based his ideas on Russian folk-tales and never claimed universality) Morphology of the Folk Tale (1928).

2/3 (...)

#vladimirpropp #naturenurture

Last updated 2 years ago

xabierviana · @xb_viana
24 followers · 63 posts · Server mastodon.gal

@NQ78 desde luego es un cuento. y ya ha sido contado, porque procede del análisis más elemental de una (supuesta) realidad donde las niñas son niñas, las señoras son señoras y el perro siempre aparece.
muy lejos aún de las 30 y tantas funciones narrativas de 😂 👍


Last updated 2 years ago