Задумался о том чтобы сделать VLAN в домашней сети для всякого умноговна, которого в ZigBee версии не было.
Сетевик из меня, конечно, тот ещё. Но с первого взгляда кажется, что это то, что мне нужно.
Ведь у меня роутер и точка доступа - это отдельные устройства и создать изолированную WiFi-сеть чисто для всяких поилок для кошки и увлажнителей воздуха звучит как MUST HAVE идея.
Надо разобраться как это работает и попробовать реализовать :philosoraptor:
#home #network #log #LAN #VLAN #router #WiFi #IoT #SmartHome #security
#home #network #log #lan #vlan #router #wifi #iot #smarthome #security
How's this #VLAN configuration look?
Port 1 is access port for ISP, 2 is trunk to household backbone where a gateway will provide LAN on 142 from WAN on 342.
Don't need the other three ports but if I wanna add an ap there or whatever, 3&4 are access to LAN and I guess let's have 5 if I wanna test something directly on ISP.
There are MoCA adapters (& this switch) on backbone which I guess is untagged so VLAN 1.
Not sure can access them with PVID on 2&3, even though 1 is untagged on them
what does a managed switch do with an unknown #vlan id? does it treat is as PVID or just drop it?
What if I do without the switch though...
From what I can tell, the #MoCA network functions as a switch. And assuming the FTTdp thing just bridges it all through, I'm basically connected to ISP router through a switch. So broadcasts and whatever junk will be sent to the ISP, which will probably drop the #VLAN junk, but the vast majority of the packets won't be sent there. So it'll work...
Well, in either case, there's going to be #VLAN on the #MoCA network, cause even with the router I will need to get multiple networks to my server.
The question is, will the MoCA endpoints be usable as access ports, or will all devices have to be VLAN aware?
If an ordinary device receives both untagged and tagged frames, what does it do with the tagged frames?
Wrong packet per second value on vlan interface tcp traffic #networking #server #vlan
Bonjour mastodon,
Un informaticien #reseau pourrait-il m'aider ?
Je réfléchis à auto héberger mon site grace à un #raspberrypi et #yunohost . Cette partie-là est déjà fonctionnelle. Néanmoins pour ne pas simplement ouvrir des ports sur la box de mon FAI et bien faire les choses, je réfléchissais à acquérir un #routeur sur lequel je pourrais installer #openwrt et isoler le Raspberry grâce à une #vlan . Cela vous paraît-il une bonne idée ? Merci !!
#vlan #openwrt #routeur #yunohost #raspberrypi #reseau
Similar frustration with networking #networking #networkmanager #configuration #vlan
#networking #networkmanager #configuration #vlan
Has there yet been standardization of terms to replace master/slave in various networking contexts (eg, #VXLAN, #VLAN, link aggregation and bonding, etc), especially in their #Linux implementations? There seems to be a wide mix (eg, link, port, member instead of slave) from some searching, but not a huge amount of consistency. Plenty of things still seem to have not been addressed/renamed. It looks like #IEEE P3400 may be working on this but nothing is public yet? #InclusiveLanguage
#vxlan #vlan #linux #ieee #inclusivelanguage
😂 I think someone swapped the port the #printer is plugged into which changed the #VLAN it is on and thus broke printing. Has anyone confessed to doing so? No.
Can I prove it? Again, no, since #UniFi's #switch #topology is buggy and showing the device on a port on another device entirely. 🥴
#printer #vlan #unifi #switch #topology
Welcome Taeyeon to my #homelab
She will serve as the new main #server in my network hosting #pfsense #homeassistant and #mastodon amongst others on a #proxmox backbone.
She's a slightly used #dell #poweredge #R340 with a 12 core #xeon E-2136, 64GB of RAM and about 8TB of #SSD storage. Despite being much smaller than the #R520 she's replacing she's way more performant at a fraction of the power usage.
I'm particularly proud of the #cablemanagement where each colour is its own #vlan
#homelab #server #pfsense #homeassistant #mastodon #proxmox #dell #poweredge #r340 #xeon #ssd #r520 #cablemanagement #vlan
Ok picked up a Unifi 24 port switch today (older gen-1 / no POE) & now figuring out how to do VLANS on it. They have their own way of doing things - like other vendors, so I’m translating Cisco to Unifi while using PFSense for my main router. It’s a nice upgrade from the unmanaged 16 port TP-Link switch, and really I like how it integrates into the self-hosted Network Management Controller. #networking #vlan #router #unifi #selfhosted #geekstuff
#networking #vlan #router #unifi #selfhosted #geekstuff
My Mikrotik RB5009 is humming along well at home and I set out to segment my home network again.
Here's a quick post on creating a VLAN network on a Mikrotik device, how to test it on @fedora, and how to create access ports on a switch.
I probably got a lot of network terminology wrong here, but you get the idea. 😆
#fedora #mikrotik #vlan #linux
I normally run NFS over a VLAN, and Virtual IP stacking is very interesting, so I documented it. Turns out it's a good way to set up a guest LAN too if your router supports it and managed switches help a lot.