Ah shit! Am I doing #vlogmas ? I still haven't finished editing #vlogtober videos....
Shameless plug again: part 2 of my UK dog agility trip #vlogtober vlog is now live on YouTube
Shameless plug, my last #vlogtober video featured some MH stuff & the first half of my agility trip. 2nd half coming soon (yes I am very behind)
Tuesday 2nd #vlogtober now up on YouTube (I'm working on subtitles/CC but I'm 1 person who's also a freelancer with work on atm)
So #vlogtober has begun on my YouTube channel although YT seems to be being a douche and isn't showing it on my channel and isn't loading the thumbnail...! https://youtu.be/6iGG9ZvoU6M
So my morning is going well:
I cocked up the endcard on my first #vlogtober video so doing that again and my porridge is runny & won't thicken (too much liquid, not enough oats).
I know y'all are chomping at the bit for my fist #vlogtober installment (rofl! or not!) in the meantime here's my month in a minute for October 2015? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9NsjWWLSw4
So I'm doing #vlogtober and wondering how well self promotion of stuff like that goes down over here?
I'm in no way a spammy self promoter, which is a great part of why I suck at blogging/vlogging! But is it ok at all?
Good god! It's #vlogtober tomorrow and am I in any way prepared? NOPE!
No change there then....
Me "I'm gonna do #vlogtober "
Me 2 seconds later "fuck...it's October in 5 days...."