VLT ziet grote donkere vlek en zijn heldere metgezel in de atmosfeer van Neptunus
Astronomen hebben met behulp van het Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE)-instrument van de Very Large Telescope van de ESO in Chili, hebben een grote donkere vlek in de atmosfeer van Neptunus waargenomen met daarnaast een onv
#DonkereVlek #eso #MUSE #neptunus #VeryLargeTelescope #VLT #WitteVlek
#wittevlek #vlt #verylargetelescope #Neptunus #muse #eso #donkerevlek
New type of star gives clues to mysterious origin of magnetars
#ycombinator #ESO #eso_org #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Astronomie #Suedsternwarte #telescopes #detectors #comets #planets #stars #galaxies #nebulae #universe #NTT #VLT #VLTI #ALMA #ELT #La_Silla #Paranal #Garching #Chile
#ycombinator #eso #eso_org #astronomy #astrophysics #astronomie #suedsternwarte #telescopes #detectors #comets #planets #stars #galaxies #nebulae #universe #ntt #vlt #vlti #alma #elt #la_silla #paranal #garching #chile
Astronomers find distant gas clouds with leftovers of the first stars
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This artist’s impression shows a distant gas cloud that contains different chemical elements, illustrated here with schematic representations of various atoms. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada, M. Kornmesser
Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT),...
#vlt #telescope #europe #first stars #gas clouds
#vlt #telescope #europe #first #gas
The #VLT #SPHERE view of the #ATOMIUM cool evolved #star sample - sample characterization through #polarization analysis: https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full_html/2023/03/aa45398-22/aa45398-22.html -> https://scicomm.xyz/@mmontarges@mastodon.obspm.fr/110038949685176992 (thread in French).
#polarization #star #atomium #sphere #vlt
A #solargraph from Cerro #Paranal in #Chile, the site of #ESO's #VLT: https://www.eso.org/public/images/potw2311a/ - clouds are so rare there that the solar trails are practically never interrupted.
#vlt #eso #chile #Paranal #solargraph
Two images of a #Jupiter-like #planet that orbits the star AF Leporis imaged with the #SPHERE instrument on #VLT in Chile.
Over the years, astronomers observed accelerating motion in the #star's movement in #Hipparcos and #Gaia observations
#Planets exert a gravitational tug on their host stars, explaining the acceleration, and as astronomers took a closer look at this star with the VLT, they managed to directly image the planet orbiting it.
#astronomy #exoplanets
#exoplanets #astronomy #planets #gaia #hipparcos #star #vlt #sphere #planet #jupiter
#Veganuary2023 #veganfood #Aldi #VLT
Aldi making a fantastic effort and coming up trumps on every option 😋
#veganuary2023 #veganfood #aldi #vlt
#VLT untersucht eine ungewöhnliche #Supernova
#vlt #supernova #stern #explosion
The #Cone #Nebula, or a black, veiled #madonna, #mother of #stars 2,500 light-years from Earth in the #Monoceros #constellation.
An #awe of an image released by #EuropeanSouthernObservatory to celebrate the 60th #anniversary of the Very Large #Telescope.
#cone #nebula #mother #stars #monoceros #constellation #awe #europeansouthernobservatory #anniversary #telescope #astronomy #Astrodon #universe #eso #vlt #madonna
Die verborgene #Energie der #Gammablitze
#Gammastrahlung, #Gammastrahlungsausbruch, #Gammablitz, #Explosion, #ALMA, #VLT
#energie #Gammablitze #Gammastrahlung #gammastrahlungsausbruch #gammablitz #explosion #alma #vlt
Die verborgene #Energie der #Gammablitze
#Gammastrahlung, #Gammastrahlungsausbruch, #Gammablitz, #Explosion, #ALMA, #VLT
#energie #Gammablitze #Gammastrahlung #gammastrahlungsausbruch #gammablitz #explosion #alma #vlt
RT @espresso_astro@twitter.com
The phase folded curves look fantastic, and once again highlight the excellent performance of #ESPRESSO and the @ESO@twitter.com #VLT telescopes. Very likely the most powerful radial velocity facility in the world.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/espresso_astro/status/1603345807981383680
Ou o coração de uma #galáxia a 45 milhões de anos-luz da Terra na constelação da #Fornalha
+ aqui:
#astrodon #astronomy #telescope #VLT #galaxy #universe #cosmos
#ngc1097 #galaxia #fornalha #eso #eris #Astrodon #astronomy #telescope #vlt #galaxy #universe #cosmos
Ou o coração de uma #galáxia a 45 milhões de anos-luz da Terra na constelação da #Fornalha
+ aqui:
#astrodon #astronomy #telescope #VLT #galaxy #universe #cosmos
#ngc1097 #galaxia #fornalha #eso #eris #Astrodon #astronomy #telescope #vlt #galaxy #universe #cosmos
RT @ESO@twitter.com
1/ Following an alert for an unusual source of visible light, our #VLT, together with other telescopes were swiftly repositioned towards the source: a supermassive black hole that had devoured a star, expelling the leftovers in a jet. Full story: https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso2216/ Details👇
Astronomie: Fernste Zerstörung eines Sterns durch ein Schwarzes Loch beobachtet
Verschlingen Schwarze Löcher Sterne, entstehen dabei manchmal Strahlenjets. Dass diese die Erde erreichen, ist noch einmal seltener. Jetzt wurde einer entdeckt.
#Astronomie #Astrophysik #ESO #VLT #schwarzesLoch #tidaldisruptionevent #News
#schwarzesloch #tidaldisruptionevent #news #astronomie #astrophysik #eso #vlt
The #CUBES consortium is today at the #ESO headquarters in Garching, Germany, for the preliminary design review.
Another important milestone in this project that will equip the #VLT with a high-efficiency near-UV spectrograph!
See: https://cubes.inaf.it/ for more on the CUBES instrument and the #science it will enable!
#cubes #eso #vlt #science #Astrodon #astronomy #spectroscopy
This galaxy NGC 1097 is located 45 million light-years away from Earth.
It has been observed with the new #VLT instrument #ERIS, showing the gaseous and dusty ring almost symmetrically around the centre of the #galaxy.
The dark clouds represent interstellar dust that prevents us from seeing the stars behind them whereas the brighter spots are areas of rapid #star formation.
And we know that virtually all these stars are surrounded by #exoplanetary systems.
#astronomy #exoplanetary #star #galaxy #eris #vlt
Today we celebrate #ESO's 60th anniversary with a one day conference, the "ESO day in Poland":
Join us to hear about Poland at ESO, the #science made by Polish astronomers, our participation in instrument projects (such as #CUBES at the #VLT and #ANDES for the #ELT), and the opportunities for Polish astronomers
#eso #science #cubes #vlt #andes #elt #astronomy #Astrodon #poland #spectroscopy
The Cone Nebula is part of a star-forming region of space, NGC 2264, about 2,500 light-years away. Its pillar-like appearance is anexample of the shapes that can develop in giant clouds of cold molecular gas and dust, known for creating new stars. This dramatic new view of the nebula was captured with the FORS2 instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), and released on the occasion of ESO’s 60th anniversary. Image Credit: ESO #eso #europeansouthernobservatory #vlt
#vlt #europeansouthernobservatory #eso