Rairii -DM me the word 'bread' · @Rairii
1407 followers · 482 posts · Server haqueers.com

Oh look, more dubious drivers protected by vmprotect.

A driver protected by vmp should be an indicator of compromise at this point.


Last updated 2 years ago

In the course of doing our research, we studied older variants of , and compared them to the new ones we were encountering during the incident response.

We found that these new drivers had been obfuscated with a variety of techniques, specifically that the drivers were packed using a commercial runtime called . The packer makes it more difficult for an analyst to reverse-engineer a sample, but we don't see a lot of drivers that are packed, at all. It was kind of unusual.

In addition, the malware drivers requires the threat actor to run an executable called a loader, which simply does the mechanical work of creating Services entries in the Windows Registry, and moving the driver into the %temp% directory. The loader isn't packed.

#burntcigar #drivers #packer #vmprotect #malware

Last updated 2 years ago


Last updated 2 years ago

Tarnkappe.info · @tarnkappeinfo
1533 followers · 3788 posts · Server social.tchncs.de