Don't be That Guy: Once again someone uses a word he's heard [someone's numbnuts attorney] and doesn't understand -- 'fulsome' describes the way Trumpoids praise the 'man', the meaning 'fuller than full' is unknown to people who ever heard that word. As for 'decimated', oh that's too easy ...
#usage #vocabulary
I only recently learned that people seem to refer to /palm muting/ as "chugging". Apparently, this has been the #vocabulary for several years now.
#deathmetal #deathcore #djent #progressivemetal #guitar #technique
#technique #guitar #progressivemetal #djent #deathcore #deathmetal #vocabulary
لائحة ببعض المفردات الأوغارتية، إذا تعرف العربية ستتعرف على معظمها
A list of Ugaritic vocabulary, if you know Arabic you will recognize most of them
#semitic #arabic #linguistics #vocabulary #Ugaritic
Walked past a place offering “booty facials” today. Clearly they do not understand the meaning of “facial”. Please suggest alternate terms for this service. #language #vocabulary #facial
Bill Watterson was right about this, too. Swearing does not indicate impoverished vocabulary
#swearing #profanity #vocabulary #linguistics #TabooWords #mythbusting #CalvinAndHobbes #comics
#swearing #profanity #vocabulary #linguistics #taboowords #mythbusting #calvinandhobbes #comics
I just heard a new word today “photosplained” 😂📸 #photography #words #vocabulary
#photography #words #vocabulary
Swedish street names can, when I think about their actual meaning, kick off all kinds of thoughts. In my hometown some of the major memories are bound up in the same named street.
That it means rope maker's street in the language I use most often eluded me. I think of Swedish things in Swedish aka why I don't know a lot of tree names in English but I know them without thinking in Swedish.
#sweden #swedish #vocabulary
Reading Evaristo Ribera Chevremont (1896-1976) and making vocabulary cards for his poems. #111Words #EvaristoRiberaChevremont #Poesía #Poetry #Spanish #PuertoRico #Vocabulary #Anki
#anki #vocabulary #puertorico #spanish #poetry #poesia #evaristoriberachevremont #111words
#Vocabulary / #dialect poll.
On a hot day, if I said I was going to go "swizzle off", would you know what I meant?
#wordoftheday FÊTE CHAMPÊTRE - 1. N. a garden party, picnic, or similar outdoor entertainment.
More definitions:
#collinsdictionary #words #vocabulary #language #fêtechampêtre
via @CollinsDict
#wordoftheday #collinsdictionary #words #vocabulary #language #fetechampetre
New preprint: We present a new #dataset on the #German #language: DeReKoGram includes uni-, bi-, and trigram frequencies, lemma and POS information for a corpus of around 43 billion tokens.
We evaluate the distribution over the 16 datasets and present a (small) case study on #vocabulary growth.
At, we provide #Python, #Rstats and #Stata code that should help you getting started with the dataset.
Preprint available at
#linguistics #stata #rstats #python #vocabulary #language #german #DataSet
This is such a great feature when reading the #newyorktimes as a non native speaker #iOS #translation #vocabulary
#newyorktimes #ios #translation #vocabulary
Is there a word for the opposite of a #scapegoat? For instance, the way false threats involving children have been used to drive transphobia and homophobia. The way false threats involving white women have been used to kill black men and boys, #EmmitTill to start.
What is the word for the opposite of a scapegoat: a group who is defined as helpless against an outgroup to drive fear?
If no word exists, do you have ideas?
#Vocabulary #WhatWord #Racism #Sexism #Homophobia #Transphobia #Question #Academia #Theory #Fascism
#scapegoat #emmittill #vocabulary #whatword #racism #sexism #homophobia #transphobia #question #academia #theory #fascism
#TootRating = 9/10
Would have been 10/10 if you had hash tagged #vocabulary.
I know you'll do better next time, Babe. 🥥
The short story I started in Korean is about kidnap negotiations. There are a lot of words I didn’t know or have forgotten. Here are just some of them:
전과자 (前科者): ex-convict.
은신처 (隱身處): hideout.
종범 (從犯): accomplice. (Opp. 주범 (主犯) main perpetrator).
협상 (協商): negotiations.
유기징역 (有期懲役): penal servitude for a definite term.
가석방 (假釋放): parole.
I should really make an effort to remember words that often appear in crime fiction like the ones above.
#korean #vocabulary #languagelearning