50+ Music · @50years
27 followers · 4312 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Kiss and Say Goodbye" is a 1976 song by American . It was written by group member Winfred Lovett, the bass singer and songwriter of the group, who did the song's spoken introduction. The song was recorded for the album The Manhattans, released in 1976 by , and was released as a single in March of the same year. "Kiss and Say Goodbye" became a worldwide success.

#r_b #vocalgroup #themanhattans #columbiarecords

Last updated 1 year ago

Haarlem updates · @Haarlem
130 followers · 254 posts · Server mastodon.social

Harlem Jive laat glurende buren meezingen in Naaiatelier

Het culturele festival Gluren bij de Buren trekt op zondag 5 februari weer veel publiek de verschillende huiskamers in. Tijdens Gluren bij de Buren staan deuren door het hele land wagenwijd open voor buurtgenoten en cultuurliefhebbers. Zo ook...


#haarlem #glurenbijdeburen #naaiatelierhaarlem #naaiatelier #harlemjive #vocalgroup #festival

Last updated 2 years ago