Noisyness is to be expected.
#VocalIsolation has its downsides.
(I can tweak a bit. but there are real hard limits. - Physics - #frequency related ...)
But it is the only #aid alongside #splicing and the like that I have.
It *is* blaaaazingly fast :)
<3 Audio processing.
I've waited over 15 #years for this technology.
#vocalisolation #splicing #years #frequency #aid
I ❤️ this #Dell Precision 7510 Laptop.
275 bucks weeeell spent 🙂
i7 (2.7-3Ghz) 16gb RAM, a NVIDA Quadro M200M
#UVR isolation is a cakewalk like this.
(Can't wait to try #RipX )
1 Minute for this split :blobaww:
#Record time !
#stuffalcea #vocalisolation #dell #uvr #ripx #record #thisissoawesome
I ❤️ this #Dell Precision 7510 Laptop.
275 bucks weeeell spent 🙂
i7 (2.7-3Ghz) 16gb RAM, a NVIDA Quadro M200M
#UVR isolation is a cakewalk like this.
(Can't wait to try #RipX )
1 Minute for this split :blobaww:
#stuffalcea #vocalisolation #dell #uvr #ripx #thisissoawesome
#audiosourceseperation #stems #vocalisolation
Ohh how ""#cheap""... 😂
A crappy online service with proprietary software
#audiosourceseperation #stems #vocalisolation #cheap #demucs3 #uvr5