Spent the weekend catching up on #BBCProms2023 and marveling on how the BBC continues to sustain culture after a century.
* #NorthernSoul: I was definitely born a decade too late.
* #PublicServiceBroadcasting: How have I not known about this band before now. I have a new musical bae!
* Mindful Prom: #Voces8 remain amazing and Samuel Barber’s Agnus Dei will break my heart forever.
#bbcproms2023 #NorthernSoul #publicservicebroadcasting #voces8 #music #RoyalAlbertHall #bbc
@classicalmusic @renaissancemusic
#WilliamByrd c. 1540–1623
'Ave Verum'
#musik #music #musique #musica #Byrd
#classicalmusic #sacralmusic
#renaissancemusic #sacralmusic #classicalmusic #Byrd #musica #musique #music #musik #voces8 #williambyrd
@classicalmusic @renaissancemusic
#GiovanniPierluigidaPalestrina c. 1525 - 1594
'Sicut Cervus' (published in 1604)
#musik #music #musique #musica #Palestrina
#classicalmusic #sacralmusic
#renaissancemusic #sacralmusic #classicalmusic #Palestrina #musica #musique #music #musik #voces8 #giovannipierluigidapalestrina
En route mauvaise troupe #EcoleBuissonière #Voces8 #Familistère
#ecolebuissoniere #voces8 #familistere
@classicalmusic @renaissancemusic
#WilliamByrd c. 1540–1623
'Haec Dies'
#musik #music #musique #musica #Byrd
#classicalmusic #sacralmusic
#renaissancemusic #sacralmusic #classicalmusic #Byrd #musica #musique #music #musik #voces8 #williambyrd
#GregorioAllegri c.1582 – 1652
'Miserere Mei, Deus'
#musik #music #musique #musica #Allegri
#baroquemusic #sacralmusic
#sacralmusic #baroquemusic #classicalmusic #allegri #musica #musique #music #musik #voces8 #gregorioallegri
Paul Simon announces new album 'Seven Psalms,' shares trailer with studio footage, new music & more #2023_04_12 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #music_news #edie_brickell #paul_simon #voces8 #wynton_marsalis
#2023_04_12 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #music_news #edie_brickell #paul_simon #voces8 #wynton_marsalis
RT @VOCES8@youtube.com
#VOCES8 sings probably the most popular #choral work by Swedish composer #HugoAlfvén, #Aftonen.
Skogen står tyst, himlen är klar.
Hör huru tjusande vallhornet lullar.
Kvällssolns bloss sig stilla sänker ner uti den lugna, klara våg.
Ibland dälder, gröna kullar eko kring nejden far...
Tranquil the woods, skies crystal clear,
Faint the alluring shepherd horns beckon.
#voces8 #choral #hugoalfven #aftonen
Amazing performance tonight with British vocal ensemble #VOCES8 Friction Quartet & pianist Keisuke Nakagoshi for the world premier of The Lost Birds by Christopher Tin. Too poignant for words.
Also tried (likely failed) to respectfully fanboi over Eric Alatorre (my favorite bass vocalist) in the audience. He was in the same row as us only 8 seats over. After the show in passing I offered some words of thanks to him and to his wife that they appeared to appreciate.
Overwhelming evening.
All about the sound: fluidity of tone & great beauty of line from Barnaby Smith in Bach arias, though at the expense of text, with superb accompaniments from Bojan Cicic's Illyria Consort on the VOCES8 label. My record review:
I'm home alone right now, so I turned #VOCES8 up to the max, next up the The USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir. Choral performances are like no other music somehow. They get inside your soul
I'm home alone right now, so I turned #VOCES8 up to the max, next up the The USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir. Choral performances are like no other music somehow. They get inside your soul
Something very 21st century in a very timeless way: Radiohead's Pyramid Song covered by Voces8
#music #radiohead #voces8 #coverversions
(Decca 2016)
#NowListening #ClassicalMusis #music #VocalEnsemble #ACapella
#voces8 #acapella #vocalensemble #music #classicalmusis #nowlistening
Listening to #christmasmusic by #Voces8 while drinking coffee. Lovely way to spend a Sunday #amlistening #music #sundayvibes
#sundayvibes #music #amlistening #voces8 #christmasmusic
Listening to #christmasmusic by #Voces8 while drinking coffee. Lovely way to spend a Sunday #amlistening #music #sundayvibes
#sundayvibes #music #amlistening #voces8 #christmasmusic
#AventMusical #Mastendrier Jour 8 ce sera sans surprise les #Voces8 que j'aime d'amour non seulement pour leur musique mais aussi pour tout leur engagement dans la transmission de la musique aux petits et aux grands. Vivement cet été que je les retrouve au coeur de la campagne anglaise https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=QLw9EN94wDk&listen=false
#aventmusical #mastendrier #voces8