I've updated some of the links on the Vodun Calendar. If you have an Orisha, Vodun, Isese, Ifa, or other African spirituality site, please let me know so I can link to you in relevant places in the calendar and Orisha.me.
#Vodun #AfricanSpirituality #Orisha #Isese #Ifa #BlackMastodon #Tembodon #Voodoo #Hoodoo #Haitian #Vodou #BlackFedi
#vodun #africanspirituality #orisha #isese #ifa #blackmastodon #tembodon #voodoo #hoodoo #haitian #vodou #blackfedi
Wolfie is enjoying the bones/tiles I made for him. :-)
#WitchCraft #Divination #BoneReading #DivinationTiles #Orisha #Hoodoo #Vodun #AfricanSpirituality
#witchcraft #divination #bonereading #divinationtiles #orisha #hoodoo #vodun #africanspirituality
How Many People Need to Die For Your Clout With Colonists?
#lgbtq #LGBTQAfrica #LGBTQIA #homophobia #Africa #AfricanSpirituality #BlackMastodon #Vodun #Isese #Ifa #Orisha
#lgbtq #lgbtqafrica #lgbtqia #homophobia #africa #africanspirituality #blackmastodon #vodun #isese #ifa #orisha
I've updated the About page with a full list of the sites.
#ModernTraditional #Culture #Style #WorldCultures #Cooking #Music #Travel #Events #Festivals #Spirituality #Vodun #Orisha #History #Archaeology #SocialIssues #Environment #Cornrows #NaturalHairstyling #Clothing #Fashion #Alternative #LGBTQIA #Witchcraft #BlackMastodon
#moderntraditional #culture #style #worldcultures #cooking #music #travel #events #festivals #spirituality #vodun #orisha #history #archaeology #socialissues #environment #cornrows #naturalhairstyling #clothing #fashion #alternative #lgbtqia #witchcraft #blackmastodon
🎧 Le podcast de l'émission où j'intervenais hier est disponible chez RSTLSS ! Pour m'écouter parler des nouveaux albums de #Klone et #InFlames, puis étaler mon admiration pour #Vodun et #ProtestTheHero, suivez le guide 👇
#klone #inflames #vodun #protestthehero #musique #music #radio #metal #progressive #stoner
Beninese Government Set To Rebrand #Vodun Worldwide
"The Beninese presidency, through its National Agency for the Promotion of Tourism and Culture (ANPT) has engaged a crop of intellectuals and experts in Museology, History, Arts and Culture to undertake a series of reconnoiteering missions in search of the Vodun essence in the Atlantic World, covering countries as diverse as Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, USA and the heart of Europe where the great works of art of the Vodun tradition have found new abodes through the agency of private and public colonial collectors.
Currently, a section of the Beninese presidency cultural envoys led by Nigerian professor of Afro-Latin-American Studies, Professor Félix Ayoh’OMIDIRE, and headed by the Caribbean-born Ms. Coline Toumson-Venite, Special Adviser to the Presidency on Arts and Culture, are touring Brazil in quest of the Soul of Vodun in the heartland of Brazilian ageless Candomblé traditions. The CM MIV team will touch base with the world of Vodun in places like São Paulo, Salvador, Cachoeira and São Luiz do Maranhão, reputed for its Tambor de Minas and its legendary link to the Dahomean Royal traditions."
Degrees of Separation https://ironwynch.com/scrolls/2023/01/degrees-of-separation/
If you haven't unpacked your homophobia, you're still a eurocentric Christian waiting for an excuse to go back to "white" Jesus.
#AfricanSpirituality #Vodun #Orisha #Obeah
#africanspirituality #vodun #orisha #obeah
Vodun F.A.Q. – How are sex, orientation, and gender perceived in Vodun? https://orisha.me/2022/02/vodun-f-a-q-how-are-sex-orientation-and-gender-perceived-in-vodun/
#vodun #atr #AfricanSpirituality #Spirituality #vodou #hoodoo #conjure #lgbtqia #lgbtq #gender
#vodun #atr #africanspirituality #spirituality #vodou #hoodoo #conjure #lgbtqia #lgbtq #gender
Earlier tonight our ile did the yearly ebbo for Olokun, Yemaya, and Yam.
#isese #vodun #orisha #AfricanSpirituality #spirituality #voodoo #canaanite #pagan #yemaya #olokun #yam #ebbo #solstice #solstice2022
#isese #vodun #orisha #africanspirituality #spirituality #voodoo #canaanite #pagan #yemaya #olokun #yam #ebbo #solstice #solstice2022
#nowspinning VŌDŪN – Possession
Underrated band. Go check out these tunes some time.
#vinyl #vodun #psychedelicrock #music #ilovediscogs #discogs #nowplaying #vinyladay #truevinylcollection #vinylgram #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinyligclub #instavinyl … https://instagr.am/p/CmaiGcwLgYB/
#NowSpinning #vinyl #vodun #psychedelicrock #music #ilovediscogs #discogs #nowplaying #vinyladay #truevinylcollection #vinylgram #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinyligclub #instavinyl
Einen wunderschönen guten Abend.
I had a little question about a topic which haunts me for some while about the #Loa in the #Vodun religion and the perception of #reality and the #simulacrum.
A simulacrum is an image of a thing or person we have in our minds with which we can emulate the future in our minds if we have an unflawed simulacrum in our heads.
For example. If I want to please my wife with a present, I can, if I know her correctly, anicipate what gift she would...
#loa #vodun #reality #simulacrum
Nan Dòmi: An Initiate’s Journey Into Haitian Vodou by Mimerose Beaubrun; Madison Smartt Bell; D.J. Walker
#vodou, #voodoo, #vodun, #religion, #Haitianreligion, #religioninHaiti, #memoirs, #religiousstudies, #HaitianVodou
Like all the great religions, Vodou has an external, public practice of rituals and ceremonies–and also an internal, mystical dimension. Before Nan Dòmi, works about Vodou have concentrated on the spectacular outward manifestations of Vodou observance–hypnotic drumming and chanting, frenetic dancing, fits of spirit possession. But practically all reports on Vodou are outsider accounts, which means that they are stopped at the threshold.
Mimerose Beaubrun, educated as an anthropologist, set out to write another such work, but in the process she met the woman who would become her ultimate teacher and guide to the religion’s internal mysteries: Tante Tansia, whose knowledge, wisdom and spiritual power govern the text of Nan Dòmi.
#vodou #voodoo #vodun #religion #Haitianreligion #religioninHaiti #memoirs #religiousstudies #HaitianVodou
La Recontre des Trois Mondes by Rose-Marie Desruisseau; Didier Blancpain; Jean-Marie Drot; Michel-Philippe Lerebours; Jean Fouchard; Gérald Bloncourt; Georges Corvington; Mireille Pérodin Jérôme; Lionel Lerebours; Rassoul Labuchin; Henri R. Deschamps; Patrice Armand; Gérald Alexis
#RoseMarieDesruisseau, #peinturedhistoire, #peinturehistorique, #peinture, #Haïti, #peinturehaïtienne, #histoiredHaïti, #saintdomingue, #Voudo, #Voodoo, #Vodun, #Voudoo, #Vodou, #Vodún, #esclavage, #histoire, #sexualité
Port-au-Prince: Éditions Henri Deschamps
#RoseMarieDesruisseau #peinturedhistoire #peinturehistorique #peinture #haïti #peinturehaïtienne #histoiredHaïti #SaintDomingue #Voudo #voodoo #vodun #Voudoo #vodou #Vodún #esclavage #histoire #sexualité
Hey, what if we also did a hashtag introduction by musical taste? I like:
#TheSplashdowns #PumpkinWitch #kobold #WOLFCLUB #lichking #BigSugar #CultOfThePsychicFetus #ChurchOfTheCosmicSkull #OrangeGoblin #vodun #anthrax #janellemonae #BettyDavis #parliament #metallica #kal #burningwitches #baroness #bloodywood #DorFantasma
Les Daïmons du Culte Voudo by Her-Ra-Ma-ëL (Arthur C. Holly)
#Voudo, #Voodoo, #Vodun, #Voudoo, #Vodou, #Vodún, #Haiti, #ésotérisme, #Haïti, #occultisme, #religion, #sciencesdesreligions, #culture, #anticolonialisme, #antiimpérialisme
Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Imprimerie Edmond Chenet
OCLC: 1474628
#Voudo #voodoo #vodun #Voudoo #vodou #Vodún #haiti #ésotérisme #haïti #occultisme #religion #sciencesdesreligions #culture #anticolonialisme #antiimpérialisme
La Légende des Loa: Vodou Haïtien by Déita (Mercédes Foucard Guignard)
#vodou, #vodouHaïtien, #voodoo, #Haitianvoodoo, #vodun, #loa, #Haiti, #légendes, #histoire, #spiritualité, #Ayiti
Le peuple haïtien, comme tous les peuples de la terre, a son propre univers spirituel, peuplé d'entités dont l'essence ne se laisse pas connaitre avec autant de facilité que les réalités matérielles. "La Légende des Loa du Vodou Haïtien" est un voyage à travers les péristyles du pays et des rencontres inespérées avec des initiés nous parlant de leur monde intime.
#vodou #vodouHaïtien #voodoo #Haitianvoodoo #vodun #loa #haiti #légendes #histoire #Spiritualité #Ayiti